Picky Puffer

salty james

Hi All,
My puffer is p**ing me off. He only will eat ghost shrimp.. I have tried to starve him for a week plus, but he will not eat the krill, prime reef or brine shrimp...
Any ideas ?? any luck in wheening difficult puffers ??
He is a yellow belly dogface about 4"
Any advice would be appreciated,
i have a porky puffer that won,t eat any other shrimp unless it is by tetra i tried giving him a different brand he won,t touch it at all not even silver sides he hates them but throw some goldfish in the tank he will destroy them but anything else he rather starve ,lol :rolleyes:


how long has he been in the tank. sometimes they are hard to get to eat a variety of food. i would try to put some frozen shrimp or krill (most eat the heck out of krill) on a wooden skewer and jiggle it around in the water. i would try to feed him every day with the frozen foods. if he wont eat then try again later. my first puffer took a few weeks to decide to eat frozen foods (ate ghost shrimp like it was going out of style though) and then he only ate frozen krill. now he will eat anything i put in there for him. good luck


Try holding out for a week, it won't hurt him and it'll give him a chance to realize that if he's hungry he'll eat!Put some krill on a stick and then wiggle it!