Pico people - positioning


I have a 3gal Deco, 7" tall. Tomorrow I will post some pics. I am adding my first pieces of coral tomorrow - some green/orange zoas and a small kenya tree that is growing in a snail shell. Plus. one quarter-sized shroom.
In such a shallow tank with 6 watts per gallon (50/50), where should I position the kenya? I never kept one. Im thinking it can be mid-height on either side of the flow.
Sound about right?


In a 7" tall tank i dont think the position for lighting will matter, if you have 6 watts per gallon it will recieve enough light to do good. I would recommend putting it in a place where it will get good flow (mostly because it will look good swaying in the flow
Congrats on the new tank im sure you will LOVE it.


I DO love this thing!! It is so much fun. I bought 3 pounds of premium live rock from my LFS' coral tanks, and the LR has tiny pieces of coral all over them! Talk about hitchhikers! I found tiny zooanthid, a coco worm, and some other kind of microscopic polyp all over the LR. The premium LR is covered in corraline, and one piece actually has some kind of plant growing on it. There are 2 hairy little clams that keep showing up in strange places, and what I THOUGHT was just bright red corraline has turned out to be a mushroom!
Sorry, the pics are limited. I didn't have my good camera.


Active Member
your tank looks great. i also have a 3 gallon. they are just so cute! right. that kenya will be fine where ever you place it. i had one i wish i didn't sell it.


Originally Posted by joebob7
wow that looks great!
is it bare bottom?
wow a coco worm! LUCKY
All I got was aiptasia.

Thanks! I need to mess with the shudder speed on the camera so the pics come our clearer. Monday I will take some more.
There is a very shallow layer of live aragonite for a substrate. It looks bare because I dont lay live rock on sub. I always lay the live rock on bare bottom for max circulation, and then sprinkle the arag around it.
I just discovered 2 more TINY blue zoas today. They are growing in a tiny crevice in the LR. I LOVE buying the LR out of the coral tanks. AT 9.99/lb, I get corralline-covered rock with tiny corals on them. We will see what starts to grow. Imexpecting to discover some cool new things on Monday!


love that little tank. i have one coming soon as well ( christmas present.....didnt get shipped out yet
). how do you like the tank???


This tank is everything I expected and a little more. The blue hue of the light makes the tank a real crowd pleaser. I sit at my desk with my back to the aisle, and I know when someone who hasn't seen it is walking by because I hear, "Wu Woa! What is that!? A coral reef?"
I have 2 people that come up to it everyday for 10 mins each, with their noses almost touching the acrylic, just marvelling at all the life in the tiny space.
The flow provided by the HOB filter has proved to be enough so far, so I have not added my RIO PH. I may if I think the current starts to weaken. The motors on these HOB filter tend to weaken over time.
When you gets yours, let me know what you think about keeping the hood on all day with the light on. It seems ok to me, and the little bit of lost intensity is better than 3 days of evaporation over the weekend. During the week, I keep the hood off all day while Im there, and I do 2 top offs of about 2-4 oz each.
One upgrade Im thinking of is getting a longer HOB filter and making that a fuge. I have a floro light above the tank itself that is built-in to the desk, and I can throw in some LR & Chaeto, and see if that cuts a couple days off the water changes.
We'll see.
I give this one a 10/10 for price, 8/10 for construction (hood seems a little cheap, tank WILL scratch), 10/10 for components (HOB & Light are both more than convenient, effective, and nice-looking. Overall, I love this thing.


I wanted to add the HOB filter is completely clear, so it will make a fine little pseudo-fuge, since anything in it will absorb all the light too.


ok cool, thanks for the info. now that i know how to post pictures i will probably keep a diary of my tank on the forum with lots of pics. my pico was ordered on the 18th of december and we have been checking the order status of it online and it didnt even ship yet, we called the place we ordered it from and they said it would be about a week or so because it was on back order. well now its been about 2 weeks and it still hasnt shipped out yet and the company sent us an email asking if we recieved our product and if we are happy with it, my dad emailed them to say that we didnt recieve it yet but they did not email us back yet.
the tank will house corals and a mantis shrimp
(if it ever gets here haha)


I dont know if you got the same brand as me, but the dimensions of this one are not good for a mantis.
I got mine maybe 10 days b4 XMas and it shipped in 3 business days for $9.99. I went through a well known site with a good reputation.


yours is a deco kit 3 gallon right? thats the one that i ordered, also from a very reputable site. as for the mantis it will be a N. wennerae, they stay fairly small and rarely get over 2 1/2 inches.


Originally Posted by gharner
yours is a deco kit 3 gallon right? thats the one that i ordered, also from a very reputable site. as for the mantis it will be a N. wennerae, they stay fairly small and rarely get over 2 1/2 inches.
That's 2 1/2" of a meat-eating, waste-producing machine!!!
I wouldn't keep a mantis in the Deco, but that's just me. In fact, I dont know if I will house anything other than fancy snails and hermits. Too much waste for this tank to handle IMO.
I will update pics early next week. I have now added Xenia, 4 different zoas, neon green finger, orange snails, bumblebee snails, and on Monday, a sexy shrimp.
Til then...


i figure ill give it a try. invets dont produce as much waste or have as much of a bioload as fish, so i should be ok as lond as i dont leave any mangled decomposing snails in the tank hahaha. if the water quality starts to suffer the mantis will go into my 12 gallon

in the filter, did you take out the grate for beneficial bacteria to grow on? i took mine out and just filled the back up with l/r (i did leave in the filter cartridge with the carbon).


Originally Posted by gharner
yours is a deco kit 3 gallon right? thats the one that i ordered, also from a very reputable site. as for the mantis it will be a N. wennerae, they stay fairly small and rarely get over 2 1/2 inches.
By the way, I wish you luck with the mantis, and please, post some pics here too when u are up and running.
My reason for not thinking it is a good idea probably has more to do with my tank being at work. For example, if I get to work on Mondy after a weekend and see three half-dead hermits, I am going to want to do a 50% water change, but my boss may have a different agenda on Monday morning! SO for me, it's not ideal.
WHat do you think about a little sexy shrimp? DO they do anything cool?


Ok, I have a new ton of new pics. A lot of new stuff in my 3 gal, some of which I just discovered growing, some of which I added. Enjoy!