PICS: A new tank

I set a new tank on Feb 7,2002,and the photoes is on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
well..I came from taiwan,and I am a new guy here.Just say hi to everyone.


Active Member
welcome to the board... beautiful tank. How about some specs on it... size filtration, lighting, etc.
Nice work!


WOW ! that tank is sooo sweet ! I like the way you setup your lighting. I wish mine's like that.


Member indicated set up just a few weeks
ago!sure do have a lot of critters for such a short time...It took me 2 months just to cycle
my 150..what is your secret as everything looks
very healthy.
I replaceD the all thing (incl fish,corals,life rocks,sands,filter matirial ) from my old tank(90cmx60cmx45cm) to my new one, even some of the water. So I set up the tank so quick. And I do like raise fish and corals together. It's so easy to get the corals from my fish-pals. There are some ppl raise corals nice, and I can get the corals from them . Well, I have no any photo the pics is not so pretty....And the tank profile is 124x69x60 with 150wx2,18w(Blue)x2,a 1/2HP cooler,a 400l Ca, a MARCO ASF400 skimmer,a 400l Ni. The oldest fish in my new tank is abt 3 more yeaars. And in the traslating process, I lost 2 shrimps,and 2 anemones,and that's all. Well...the water qulity is stable now,and the fish & corals r so great now,2. Thx for replies.


I like the way you've arranged your rock. Sort of precarious and artistic at the same time! ;)
Very nice, strong visual appeal. And you set it up on my birthday! How nice of you.
there are some photoes abt my old tank. But it is retired now. The photoes is on <a href="" target="_blank"></a>
Well, there are lots scholar and netpals complain abt me abt the no cycling the water for some period. But I just do not know if there need a long term to monitor the water...Why the famous acqu- company can survive? By the improving of the tech, we can know the concept abt the reef behavior better,and can get the useful equipment easily...Then we can down the risk to raise fish and coral.And I trust that the corals and fish will tell us what kind of envirnment they like.And I just try to make a not best but acceptable envirnment that they need...And seems it's work.