Pics From Georgia Aquarium Visit


We visited the Georgia Aquarium this past week and thought we'd share a few of the photos we took. Enjoy!(Keep in mind, I'm not the greatest photographer like some on the site



Active Member
I went a couple of months ago (thread). How did you like it? The big "Tropical Diver" reef tank is cool, but you have to 'fight' for a spot up front. Only negative was that glass/tile tank at the gift shop/exit. It's not that big and they have way too many big fish with no where to hide, all the fish looked really uncomfortable in there.
Is the dolphin/beluga exhibit open yet or do they have a firm date now?


I enjoyed it a lot. I must say I was a little disappointed with the reef. Don't get me wrong, it was beautiful but I just expected a little more. It was definitely hard to see a lot of the areas because there were SO many people. We went during spring break so it was pretty crazy. The beluga exhibit is open. They have two in there right now. The dolphin exhibit is scheduled to open at the end of the year, November I believe. Overall, it was a good experience though!


Active Member
Nice shots. I go twice a year and still love it. I need to put a collection of my pictures together to share. I love the baluga whales.


i've been there a couple of times, it always seems way to busy to really enjoy it. My favorite one to visit is the one in gatlinbugh, TN. That said I will goto any of them I am around on vacation. I wish we had one around here.


Well-Known Member

I don't I realy thank you for sharing the pictures!...That shot of the whale...WOW
That is just huge and up close...

gill again68

Active Member
If you look online at the GA Aquarium, you can see that you can rent it for birthdays etc.. I have been 2 or 3 times that we had a company function so the guest were limited. Made for a real nice time where you could hang out in one spot and really take it in. They had 3 of those whale sharks in that one take. I think one died though? Cant see how they manage those big guys in that tank? If you want and have the cash you can dive in there as well. I may do that one day.