Pics from my new camera


Active Member
I have had my camera for a couple of months now I finally got a chance to clean the glass on my tank and take a few shots.



Active Member
hey what kind of camera do you have ?
and what settings do you do to take clear pics of the fish? I just got a new one too and Im having trouble taking pics of the fish to come out clear.
You seem to not be having a problem taking nice pictures!
Very nice job!


Active Member
Thanks for the compliments

I have a canon 30D, and these shots were taken with a 70-200mm 2.8L lens with the ISO set to 800 1/160 F2.8. My ISO was set a little higher than I would have liked so the pictures are a little fuzzy to me but I was too lazy to break out the tripod.

Pics not coming out clear could be from shutter speed set too slow or from the camera focusing on the glass or particulates in the water instead of the subject.