Pics my algae problem. Need help


So I was thinking of getting some emerald crabs, maybe sally foots, and some more Urchins and snails. What do you think? Again thank you all so much for all your help
I also should mention I have turned off all the tank lights and have also have cut back in the feeding. I will keep this post updated thru my progress.


Active Member
i like algea in my tank. it helps me feed my fish. lawnmower blenny should do great. mine destroyed the green hair algea.


Nice tank. fyi, the urchin is good but it may pick up a lot of debris on itself such as snail shells or sand. When I first started out I had a brown algae problem on my rocks so I cut the light hours to 6 hours/day from 10/hours/day and bought mexican turbo snails and 2 urchins. I now have brown algae growing on the glass which I scrape off every week. I was also considering buying a hang on the back refugium to help with the algae. Currenlty I have a small problem with red algae on the right side of my tank but goes away if I do a 40% water change. BTW, I think I also over feed my fish which may be a cause of algae. Good luck.


Keep in mind that when you run low on algae that sea hare might starve. and thats not an algae problem lol you should have seen mine heh. It looks like yours does before the critter addition. Also algae cowery (i think that is the spelling) do wonders as well. The algae doen't bother me much unless it blooms. But i wanted the urchin so i needed algae anyways. I want to find a place to get a mini blenny to put into the tank to much it too. BUT i am having trouble locating hte one i want at a site that does not have obscene shipping or min order.


So I wanted to take this opportunity to thank again every one for helping me with my problem.
All the advise really helped. I am posting some pick’s of the tank again the Urchin is a lot better eater then the Sea. Hare :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: One question I was reading online and it said that Sea Hare(Aplysia sp.) is a dangerous species to keep since it can kill all other tank mates, plus it needs specific feeding. :thinking: What should i do the LFS told me it was a great algae eater that I should get and it would be no problem. So my question is should I be worried?



New Member
I had a buddy that closed his tanks and gave me his live rock, full of hair algae. I have 3 tangs and a fox face. They cleaned that rock off in about 2 days. I have no problems with hair algae, so I would suggest you get a tang or two.


Keep in mind with tangs, some things you can not have. Though many will eat just about anything green. If you want a tang research the ones your interested in well so you know what you can and can't keep with them. (like you should anyways with everything when setting a tank up
) They make good larger display fish though. But in some cases a blenny of some sort will fit the bill better, because of compatibility issues with the other things you want to keep in your tank.