Pics Of 10 Gal Bf. Im 4 Months Young Be Nice!



uh oh......tang police are definitely coming
that tang cannot be in that small of a tank.....
nice looking tank though


Yes this tang can and will be in a tank this small because in 6 months im getting a 155 specially built but thanks for the concern. He is only about a half in long he can live in a 10 gal for about a year. :hilarious Thanks for the comments on the tank. Its my first one. Question for anyone who can answer, ive heard you can super glue the corals to the LR is this true and if so how much should i use and how to do it?!


Whatever lady at whatever fish store told you he would be fine in a 10 gallon for a year doesnt know what she is talking about. I don't know why you think she or it is knowledgeable or respected but if thats what she told you, she's only out to make money.
In your 1st post, you asked for suggestions. Every and i mean EVERY member on here will tell you that fish will be highly stressed in a tank that small no matter how small he is. Not sure why you think its hilarious that we dont think it should be there. If you want it there for a year thats your choice but you better have a qt ready to go pretty soon

p.s.- how long has the tank been running and what type of lights do you have?


People told me i couldnt keep a tang in my 35g and now a see a guy with a 10g having a hippo tang.
Is it possible that this tang will actually survive in a 10g tank?


i eventually want a 100+ gal with in a year. Just starting small to learn so dont bash me about my tang I KNOW!

If you people could read then you wouldnt be saying anything. I'm going to buy a 155 or bigger SOON. Trust me the fish will be fine...


Patience is everything when dealing with a saltwater tank.............just rush things or you will be paying for it later. ..............02$


Those little hippo tangs are soooooo cute when they are that tiny!
Hey man as long as the 100+ size tank is coming soon, you should be alright.
(Sniff, sniff. Does anyone smell charbroiled Moby?)

It could be worse, I went to the LFS yesterday and they had 20 that size in one 40 gallon tank!
I thought I was gonna blow a gasket!

I said something to them and they essentially told me to mind my own business.
So I decided I will NEVER go in that shop again. The consumer always has the last word.


He told me " Don't worry about it, they will sell quick and it isn't a problem since they share a central filter system in the back of the store".
Yeah, and in the mean time these little fellows are crowded into a tiny tank, stressed from the ride to the store and now in total confusion!
JERK! I was pretty angry, and every time I think about it I get madder!

But not much I can do other than not give them my business.


The tang will outgrow that tank in a few months, if it lives. I'm not flaming you but they can be hard to keep, especially by a newbie... in a 10g. Go ahead and do a search for ich and hyposalinity. It's almost for sure gonna show signs. There is a good writeup in the disease and treatment forum. It's not all your fault, they are ich magnets.
I'd worry about that anemone too. It might be ok under that little light, but it will be the bare minimum. It will for sure benifit when you upgrade to the 24g. At only 4 months old your tank is kind of at the minimum age for an anemone.
Not that the things you are doing can't be done, but if you barely meet the requirements you are only a small mistake away from losing alot of $ and time.
I do like the Zoo collection!