Pics Of 10 Gal Bf. Im 4 Months Young Be Nice!


Active Member
I would worry about that anemone over the tang. Essop is right though, that tang will outgrow that tank sooner then you were told. Just feed it a good variety diet like algae sheets, etc. I would feed it garlic treated foods like formula 2 to boost it's immune system to prevent ich from happening. You need to look into purchasing the larger tank within the next 6 months. :happyfish


I know every one is telling you the same thing, but maybe it will sink in a little.
the LFS is in sales they make money from selling. You buy fish take home put in way to small of a tank, it dies, you come back buy more fish they make more money.
You blame LFS they test you water, parameters are not there it is your fault.
to keep a good balance on your water in a 10 gallon tank is very difficult. Forget about the swimming room. It is the water quality and the balance of it that is going to be the down fall of your fish and probably the anenome too.
So rather than fight with everyone that is trying to give you advise and tell us all your getting the bigger tank, just get it now and use the 10 for a QT.
You wait a year you will loose fish and with your current attitude probably several.
No one is trying to bash you, just inform you.
My suggestion would be take the fish back and get the goby a little watchman they are cool.
Like one man said would you rather drink a drop of poison in a glass of water or in a large tank of water? Odd are in a large tank of water the drop of poison won't have much effect on you. But in a glass,, say goodnight.


Active Member
Originally Posted by moby
Those little hippo tangs are soooooo cute when they are that tiny!
Hey man as long as the 100+ size tank is coming soon, you should be alright.
(Sniff, sniff. Does anyone smell charbroiled Moby?)

It could be worse, I went to the LFS yesterday and they had 20 that size in one 40 gallon tank!
I thought I was gonna blow a gasket!

I said something to them and they essentially told me to mind my own business.
So I decided I will NEVER go in that shop again. The consumer always has the last word.

Petland here has around 20+ Hippos, 10+ Yellow Tangs and several other fish in a 50. :scared: I just hope they sell them fast or I might have to break down and get one!


Originally Posted by Zanski
Question for anyone who can answer, ive heard you can super glue the corals to the LR is this true and if so how much should i use and how to do it?!

yes you can super glue your corals to your rock.....any of the gel type super glues will work....has to be gel though...I use BSI insta-cure IC-Gel (ethyl cyanoacrylate gel) far as the amount to use.....that's a bit vague since i dont' know what you're working with.....but you'll just have to practice with it.....a good amount though
......and if you don't want to stick it directly onto your LR, i also use Marineland Holdfast to make small flat discs to superglue the corals to....
goodluck with that tank


Originally Posted by Zanski
I'm new to the hobby but already hooked! Have 2 perc clowns and looking to add maybe 2 more fish. any suggestions?? :thinking:

didn't see this one before......if we're still talking about the 10 gallon, i wouldn't add anything else......


Well thanks for the advise, you all have opened my eyes. Unfortunatly the anenome is going to stay but, im gonna break down and take the tang back tomorrow.
I was just trying to push myself to upgrading a little quicker than my GIRL wanted me to. She is finding out how much $ im "waisting". So i figured i'd better buy a Tang and let you guys bash me a little so she would break down. Ive just got to get her a tank and my visa so she will STFU! Thanks again everyone! :happyfish


Did someone call for the Tang Police?

As you have already heard, no matter what the fish store lady told you a blue tang, no matter how small it is, is not suitable for a 10 gallon tank. It is not the size so much as the swimming room they need. I realize you want to fish (they are cute) but please think of the fish - it would be like putting you in a closet and telling you to live in there...

I see you have decided to bring the tang back - kudos to you, I know its hard, but its the right thing to do.
Now for the clownfish... No clown fish should be in anything less than a 20 gallon tank. The vast majority of knowledgeable people say 30 gallons.
Again, I know they are cute, but you have to think about the fish...
Actually as I was reading your post and then seeing your pics, my blood was just boiling...
But then I saw that you were a reasonable person and decided to do the right thing and return the tang, now hopefully you will do the same with the clowns...

There are several small "nano" fish that would do fine in your tank, go to the Drs. site and you will see them.
Here are a few cute ones




Did someone call for the Tang Police?
I thought I heard sirens!

I agree, I'm glad you took the little fella back. I thought you were getting the bigger tank in only a few weeks or a month at the most.
Look at it this way when you do get the bigger tank, you'll be farther along in what you know and all your fish (and you) will benefit from it.


I really am keen on any shrimp goby, I think you would like their look and they are very unique. Especially with a pistol shrimp, would be nice. I like your tank by the way, welcome, it only gets gore addicting!


percula especially, and ocellaris clowns do well in small aquariums
maroons and tomatoes however get much larger and agressive


Originally Posted by Reef.Magic
percula especially, and ocellaris clowns do well in small aquariums

A tank bred Ocellaris is ok in a MINIMUM 20 gallon tank, the others need a MINIMUM of 30 gallons...



LOL, I am not arguing with anyone...

Just stating some well founded opinions from knowledgeable aquaria doctors and professional aquaria biologists...
Foster, Smith, Fenner, Michael...


LOL, yes...
I will put Fenner and Michael up against anyone...
Both of their published works are pretty much considered the bible of this hobby...


Well took back the tang. She gave all my money back for it. She had about 30 tangs in a 20 gallon tank. Thanks for the input. My girl has agreed to a bigger tank, i need some input on large tank brands to go with. lights sump ect. HELP :help: