Pics of 1700 gal Shark Tank


Dude wheres the bamboo? I can see part of it in one pic but thats it. BAMBOOS NEED RECOGNITION TOO MAN! Lol
You have all three of my favorite sharks(bamboo, horn, leopard) in there dude. I hate you.
Naw jk nice tank and "shark lounge".


I've got a soft spot for this shark. She's the only reason I wont add a large eel to this tank. I hatched her from an egg, and wathced her grow. I will never get rid of this shark.


Hey Novice, why dont you have a Nurse? Also, how long is your Banded and Leopard? Post more pics of the Leopard and Blacktip. Close-ups, if you got em.


Is that the very rare and ferocious moose shark on the wall?:eek:
Kinda funny to be in a "shark lounge" and then see this massive moose head, but I like it. Nice room too, and of course sweet tank. Good job.:)


Great room and of course great tank. My favorite is the little girl one that you hatched from an egg. AAAAHHHHHHH:D


Active Member
First off, very nice...
Now some technical questions:
1. Evaporaporation rates?
2. Cost of setup? (not being nosey)
3. Maintance time?
4. Problems?
5. Equipment?
Sorry for the bluntness, but I will be moving at the end of the month and am considerig a DIY tank much like yours in my basement.


Thank you all:D
Saltfisher: I don't have a nurse for several reasons. The main reason being their shear size. Because of their size, they are nearly impossible to find new homes for. I'm also just not very fond of them. IMO they are not very good looking, and are boring. My bamboo and leopard are roughly the same size. Around 15" each.
Aggie05: That moose kinda grows on ya:) Well at least it does on me, my wife would say differently. I waited 5 years for that mount to be finished, so I wanted him in "my part" of the house. Plus he wouldn't fit through any of the other doors. LOL
I have more pics of them all, but I dont want to post so many that this thread takes an hour to open. I plan to play with the settings on my camera, and see if I get some better quality pics. I'll post a few more soon.