Pics of a cool retarded pet!


pa reef pig

Slothy, that mushroom is cool. Is it really as black as it looks in that first pic? Never seen one that color before.


Active Member
man at least youll always be able to tell where hes at! and if he ever dies, you have a nice little coral crab skeleton to place somewhere!


Active Member
im gonna start using decorator crabs as fragges,a dn then sell people the crab with the goddies on it! sweet idea!


Active Member
well any lil pieces of red slime i have, its now on him/her lol.. and my other dec crab, is stick rocks on his back lol


Active Member
the decorator crabs tear stuff off? or did he take down your entire rock?
do they make a mess?
so if i bet a dec crab its possilbe he will pull some stuff off some rocks and walk around like that?


Active Member
You could let him roam the neigborhood and sell frags door to door. Decorator Crabs are the coolest!


Active Member
slothy that is so cool. I want a decorator crab but aren't you a little worried that it will hurt your corals?


Active Member
Holy junk. How much can that freakshow pile on his back? :D
When he chops your corals, does he damage them badly or do they shrug it off?
Does he stay away from the delicate stuff, or is he an equal opportunity fragger? :D


Active Member
yeah, does he knock them over and change things around?
very neat
but i found this reading up on them
It is nocturnal, hunting at night. It is not reef compatible, eating some invertebrates. It may be harmful, as well, as it harvests algae, soft corals, and invertebrates to adorn its shell.


Active Member
LOL slothy !
Reminds me of some of the tree forts we built as kids.
What else can we get our hands on and nail up there !
That's one crazy crustacean :p


Active Member
dan i found this too lol... even if its not, and wants to eat my hermits hes more than welcome
The Decorator Crab may grow to 4 inches. Omnivore. The Xenocarcinus species is generally peaceful toward other tankmates. Reef-safe. Many consider the Xenocarcinus species a low-maintenance specimen. Not venomous. Algae eater, sand sifter. Nocturnal feeder. Keep water quality high (SG 1.023 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F). The Decorator Crab is commonly collected from Micronesia.