Pics of BTA?

Hey guys.
When i get my reef tank at christmas, i will be purchesing a BTA, well, 4 months after the tank is up anyway.
Just wondering, what colours are available in the BTA? The only one i've seen is sort of cream colour, but have been told there are more than this..
Lastly, if you have a BTA, fancy posting some pics of it? And if you have a clown hosting with it, what type is it?


Not a very good picture, but here's my Rose anenome. Maroon clowns love them, although I don't have one at this time.


Active Member
Had to dig this pic out of my floppy disk archive.
July 2000
Bubble Tip Rose Anemone and Maroon Clownfish.
Thanks guys..
I always thought a Rose Anemone was an Anemone of its own..not a colour variation of the BTA! Are the Rose Anemones the expensive ones?
Also, is there a certain colour bta that is hardier than others? or does colour not matter?
The reason i chose BTA is because i was told they are the best begginer clown-hosting anemone. True?
One last thing...Is there anything i should know apart from the basics (need strong lighting, what to feed etc) about these anemones?
Thanks again,


In my area a Rose anenome sells for about 200. I have had a couple splits that I trade into a LFS for store credit. I've gotten 100 and 75 for my trades. But I think Rose anenomes are one of the more hardy ones, so they may be worth spending more money up front.


Active Member
if you absolutely have to have an anemone, then i guess a bta is a good one, however, just know that anemones have horrible survival rates in captivity, and they need a ton of light as well as food. it is reccommended that you feed them about twice a week, with soem kind of meaty food. as far as bta's go, the rose is the most expensive, weve got three in our shop that are going for like 150 a piece i think, but they do split often, as maryc said above. btas also come in green, and brown varients. if you truly want to get an anemone for your tank, make sure you do a lot of researching about them, and try to provide the optimal conditions for them that way they have the best chance to survive!
good luck


Active Member
Tomato clown and one of it's bta's (mine split in two back in March) this one likes to be in front of the powerhead, ticks the clown off,


Woa thats a stack for a bubble tip I wouldnt pay that for a blue or purple S.G carpet and if your getting 75-100 for a split whey to GO!!!!!!!!!!!
I will be getting some good lighting, something like 8 watts per gallon. T5 lighting, so i wont have to worry about that.
One more question, if Rose's split often, why are they so pricey?

nm reef

Active Member
Here is my BTA and Tommy the Tomato Clown...they were quite the couple until the BTA visited the intake of a powerhead....I have no plans to replace the BTA so Tommy now splits time between my Gonipora and my xenia.


Active Member
Here's the behemoth...he's at least twice that size now. (So is the tomato...heh heh)