K, just fragged it. I took two small half inch to three quarter inch pieces off of the mother colony - placed them on a piece of rubble - netted them making sure that the net doesnt actually hold too tightly onto the frag (cause they expand/grow) - rubberbanded the net - placed them in the frag tank.
A few issues and concerns...
concern #1 I keep the two tanks different temperatures. The frag tank is constantly 78 degrees and the show tank is 82 degrees. I am mildly worried that the temperature change will have some effect on the frags.. I really do doubt such a small change will.. but fiji's are a little more delicate than your average leather.
concern #2 the frag tank lights are 4 65 watts and the show tank is 2 96 watt lights. So there is more wattage in the frag tank but less powerful bulbs. I dont think it'll have much of an effect... but its something to consider

I am not worried about the mother colony at all. When it was first being cut it started shrinking up which as we all know is a normal defensive maneuver. Already (20 minutes or so) it has almost fully expanded and 70% of its tentacles are back out again. I have never had a leather do so well so fast after being cut.
Here is the pic of the frags (cant really see them), they are the ones under the net of course

Also a pic of the mother colony about 5 - 8 minutes after being cut. Look how good it already looks.