Pics of my 10 G


Here are some pics of my tank... hope you like them....if anyone has any suggestions on things to add that would be great....thanks



i have only one atinc strip florecent right now....but i am waiting on a coral life aqualight 96 watt with four compact bulbs and a 3/4 watt moon should be delivered tomarrow. :happyfish


Is that a feather duster in the second pic? And if so what type?
I am interested in have a predominatly feather duster tank.


Active Member
I can answer that for you, the second picture is a feather duster. I have two in my tank, one is white with brown the other is the brown with a purple color. They are easy to keep and are filter feeders. They grasp fine particles that are in the water, you can also add some Phytoplankton to the water if you like. I have found that mine do just fine without. My clowns are always going around spitting food out of their mouths and it lands on the dusters. Maybe they are trying to feed it like an anemone.
Later on i would like to add two more to my tank. They are just large feather dusters.


I just installed my new light
I am planning to go get some more stock next week....
possibly a bubble tip anemone for the clown
a new shrimp since my peppermint shrimp ripped the head (the feathery part I am assuming is its head) off my feather duster!
I have a new Hawaiian duster
i am open to suggestions on reef and featherduster safe shrimp, i was have been told sexy shrimp are nice but i haven't seen them in stores.
and maybe a few zoo or mushroom frags if any catch my eye.
thanks for any input...i will post new pics soon with the new lighting. :happyfish
p.s. debbie i have a marine land bio wheel filter and an air stone on the oposite side, thats all i got but it seems to make a good current.


Active Member
swishy, your peppermint was probably the culprite in the feather duster incident. I had a camelback which are worse but they are related and I would never put either of them into any tank. Your cleaner shrimp are nice, right now I am dealing with my sexy shrimp. It is on its side and is sort of a molt. I am concerned that the legs are all kind of mangled looking. If I touch it with my stick it jumps up and moves but then falls back over again. Don't know what the heck is going on here. I also dont' know how sturdy these little shrimp are. I know that some clowns will eat them but my ocellaris don't really seem to bother that I have seen. I am sitting and observing tonight.
I don't think I have ever been so frusterated with a hobby as this saltwater tank, everthing here costs so darn much that when it dies you just cannot keep bailing money out to replace them.
Anyways, good luck. Your tank looks great!


Originally Posted by swishy
a new shrimp since my peppermint shrimp ripped the head (the feathery part I am assuming is its head) off my feather duster!

your duster will grow new feathers in a short time provided it is still alive