pics of my 110gallon zeovit/vodka mixed reef


hey guys i have not been on this site in a while but i just wanted to post some pics of my 110gallon display with a 30gallon sump mixed reef tank. The tank is very young at almost 4mths old but alot of my stuff has came out of my old tank and has also growed a ton while in this tank. Any ways when planning to do this tank i wanted it to look as natural as possible with 3 types of coral; soft,sps,and lps. I have had an all sps tank before and the colors were awsome but i missed the movement. So in the tank the way i aquascaped it allowed me to have the softies and lps on the lower left hand side while the sps are on the upper right hand side. My sps corals are all aquacultured from ora with the exception of 5 pieces. the softies were all grown from 3-4" frags.
sps coral list is
ora hawkins enchanta
ora tenius
ora blue tort
ora green birdsnest
ora birdsnest
ora green millipora
ora tricolor
ora delicate staghorn
ora pearl berry
purple millipora
deep water acro sp
tabeling tricolor acro
green slimer
orange digitata
blue tip acropora sp
orange cap montipora
bushy acropora
lots of soft corals
lps are
30headed duncan
torch coral
red chalice
green brain
red brain
red and green favia
fish are
purple tang
fox face
pair of black percs
pyrmaid butterfly
flame angel
square back anthia
i do dose vodka and run zeovit as forms of nutrient control. I also have a percison marine bullet 1 skimmer which is rated for 150gallons and kicks euroreefs butt lol though it can be a pia to tune. Flow is provided by 2 vortech mp40w pumps with 2 korilla 1's and a nano korilla. params are
sg-1.025(with refractometer)
thankyou all for checking it out and if you have any questions feel free to ask.


Sorry to get off topic but how do you get your rocks to stay up like that?? I've tried to do that and they always fall. Tank looks amazing by the way..


thankyou very much, the way i got my rocks to stay like that was very careful placement and balencing porportions. Also what i mean when i say i dose vodka is exactly what it says. I dose vodka that is 80proof and 40%ethenol. If tht dosent help then i dose smirnoff lol. I use it as a form of nutrient control to keep no3 and po4 down.


well it is very complicated and i could spend an easy 30min talking about it. If you are interested in it there is an article on reefkeeping magazine online that talks about it. To sum it all up in a nut shell is that the nitrifying bacteria consume the alcohool and the ethenol and multiply, as the multiply they consume the nitrates and phosphates eventually bringing them down do zero. As of today the start of 3weeks dosing i will be bumping up my dose to 1.8mls daily. From there i will cut that in half. but the key to vodka dosing is go very slow. For my tank lets say it has a net water volume of 100gallons for the first 1-3 days i dosed 0.4mls split up into 0.2mls twice a day. Then days 4-7 i dosed 0.8mls total split up into 0.4mls twice a day. On week 2 i started dosing 1.3mls. My levels are droping in nitrate and phosphate but i wanna bump up my dose and do an extra week so i will bump it up by 0.5mls for a total o 1.8mls for days 14-21, depending on nurtient levels i hope to cut tht dose in half.


Originally Posted by brandon7491
well it is very complicated and i could spend an easy 30min talking about it. If you are interested in it there is an article on reefkeeping magazine online that talks about it. To sum it all up in a nut shell is that the nitrifying bacteria consume the alcohool and the ethenol and multiply, as the multiply they consume the nitrates and phosphates eventually bringing them down do zero. As of today the start of 3weeks dosing i will be bumping up my dose to 1.8mls daily. From there i will cut that in half. but the key to vodka dosing is go very slow. For my tank lets say it has a net water volume of 100gallons for the first 1-3 days i dosed 0.4mls split up into 0.2mls twice a day. Then days 4-7 i dosed 0.8mls total split up into 0.4mls twice a day. On week 2 i started dosing 1.3mls. My levels are droping in nitrate and phosphate but i wanna bump up my dose and do an extra week so i will bump it up by 0.5mls for a total o 1.8mls for days 14-21, depending on nurtient levels i hope to cut tht dose in half.
It is so refreshing to see a new idea "put to the test". I guess it just shows that "change" is coming to everything....Anyway, your tank is stunning. Congrats!


Well I wish my tank looked that good. I'll read into the Vodka dosing, thank you. I don't think I have good enough balance to stack my rocks like that..


actually jemshores the vodka dosing method has been around for a while. Lots of the reefers in europe with sps dominated tanks dose vodka to achieve ultra low nutrient systems and improve the colors of their sps corals. I do appreciate everyones comments.


Originally Posted by dazed2040
beautiful tank!
dazed2040, can I ask about u'r rays? like where u may have gotten them and what type of tempermient they have?
Hit me up and let me know,, sorry not trying to mess up thread, just couldn't figure how to ask dazed2040 my questions..
PEACE to all


awesome tank!!! just on thing... I noticed you have a pyramid b/f. has it nipped on any of the corals ? I have read conflicting articles on this butterfly.


hey peter1215, the pyrmaid butterfly is an awsome fish that is totaly reef safe in my time having him, extremely hardy, eats like a pig, and has a very calm timid temperment. When i put him in my tank he was not shy at all and ate instantly which is a fantastic sign. Also as you had mentioned, i was a little uneasy about this fish and my corals. In the end it all worked out, a model citizen with an awsome temperment. I strongly reccomend this fish to anyone with a tank atleast 48" long and has good water quality and basic knowledge.


Active Member
Nice looking tank...,Can't wait to see it when all the SPS have grown out..The Vodka controll has been around a long time