Pics of my 120


New Member
Not real sure right now. I like Triggers and Lions. Coral would be nice too. I used to like watching my mother feeding her Triggers and Lions in a 300 gal tank about 25 years ago. This hobby sure has changed. I feel like I don't know what I'm doing.


New Member
I'm not sure that I like the middle formation. I think that I could do better Job.


Active Member
that tank has a lot of potential- if i may suggest make more crevices between the rocks- caves- you can use an underwater epoxy to hold ones in place that you think might fall


New Member
corals would be real nice. but, you know, I've spent alot already and just don't know if I want to buy the lighting required for good coral. Just have to see. This tank is now one month old.


Staff member
Looks like a nice aggressive type setup. I like the open space in the middle. Leave some room for some larger fish.


Love the setup!! Love the way you built up the structure on the right side! How are you keeping the pieces together?