Pics of my 125, 3 months young


New Member
These are some quick pictures of my 125. Its approx 3 months old. Currently renting space to
6,assorted demsals
1, Arrow crab
1, Banded coral shrimp
50 Lbs of live rock with some polyps, And one creature i can not idenify... ANY Help on the creature to the right of the polyps would be GREAT. :notsure:



if your talking about that stalk with arms looking thing its probably apstasia (hope i spelled it right). research them in the hitchhikers thread to see if im right. if so you are going to want to kill it before they spread. can take over a tank, sting corals etc... its the one coral we all get free as a hitchhiker and have no problem taking care of but we do not want.
there are a couple of ways of getting rid of them i bought a pepermint shrimp to eat mine and no more problem. although dont think you'll get to watch a cute shrimp bouncing around your tank. i have not seen mine in months. might even be dead for all i know but he did his job and survived almost a year but since added more live rock i have nto seen him again but that is normal. before i added the rock i knew his hidding place. now who knows.


everyone always has something to say about the pattern background. Honestly I have the same background and it works perfect with the height of my LR and my SPS's sitting atop the rocks. I put a black one on recently and I liked the reef look background better on my tank. This is my opinion.