pics of my 125


Active Member
Nice to see an Achilles, how long have you had him? I had one for 5+ years, wonderful fish....Nice Tank


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Nice to see an Achilles, how long have you had him? I had one for 5+ years, wonderful fish....Nice Tank

This will be the 2nd year ive had him. I think the key to keeping these fish is a lot of flow and i have like 53x turnover in the tank. What do you attribute your successful for keeping one for 5+ years? I agree they have awesome personality!

heart & sole

nice clam those orange zoos, what kind are they?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Scarface
This will be the 2nd year ive had him. I think the key to keeping these fish is a lot of flow and i have like 53x turnover in the tank. What do you attribute your successful for keeping one for 5+ years? I agree they have awesome personality!
I would say prestine water with great skimming, good diet with plenty of greens, and maybe a little luck of getting a good fish
53X turnover, WOW!! Mine was the undisputed boss of the tank, and that was with 2 triggers a porky puffer and a wrasse...They are very tough fish.
Oh, btw he actually came with the house we bought in SC, he had been in for 2 years when I moved in...I.E. he lived over 7 years in that tank, they are very hardy once establish IMO.


Originally Posted by kjr_trig
I would say prestine water with great skimming, good diet with plenty of greens, and maybe a little luck of getting a good fish
53X turnover, WOW!! Mine was the undisputed boss of the tank, and that was with 2 triggers a porky puffer and a wrasse...They are very tough fish.
Oh, btw he actually came with the house we bought in SC, he had been in for 2 years when I moved in...I.E. he lived over 7 years in that tank, they are very hardy once establish IMO.
He loves to swim against the flow. Hes such a good fish once they are settled in. So you didnt have the fun of trying to get him to eat since he came with the house? I also think having him in a qt also helped him get comfortable. He didnt have to compete for food.