Pics of my 135


Where do you put your powerheads when you have that many corals? I just can't seem to get the flow right, either too much on one coral or not enough to keep the red algae from forming on the sand. Arrggghhh!

flame guy

Thanks everyone for all your comments!! Tank has been set up for a good 2 and a half
yrs. now, I started with a 75 gal the first year and upgraded to 135gal.but now im
I cant help but thinking about getting a bigger tank geez! Well, maybe in the future who knows but, im please with this god given creation in my living room.
predominantly soft and hard corals and a couple of sps corals
1 yellow tang(follows PBT everywhere,gets along ok, thank god!)
1 PBT(king of the tank! eats like a pig)
1 red head fairy wrasse(fastest swimmer)
1 flame angel (i think they are a beauty and behaving good in my reef)
1 mated sapphire damsel(laying eggs and territorial)
1 mated black & white percula (cribbing on a BTA and laying eggs)
1 mated clown goby( cute, dont know if laying eggs yet)
1 purplefire fish(newest addition,shy)
about 80Lbs. live rock and 4 inches plenum type Live sand and crushed corals.
inverts are 2 red starfish,sandsifting and brittle starfish, 1 redfire shrimp, 1 skunk shrimp
1 mated banded coral srhimp, sea cucumber and various type of snails.
I use berlin type and red prizm skimmer. 2 skimmers for my fishload. T-5 for lighting(actinic and 10000K) 12hrs actinic on, 10hrs 10000K on, 4 hrs moonlight.
I use 2 return pumps from the sump in case one goes down, also benefits of having two
return flows with one return flow using scwd coming out on each end with spraybars to simulate a wave and the other return flow also split but with no scwd. Refugium also in place. A once every 2 weeks 15% water change done.
kalkwasser drip, add vitamins,trace elements and no mechanical filter but uses carbon to keep them happy. I like to keep it nice and simple!


very nice tank. looks like it has come a long way to being so awesome! keep it up. I love the pics. post more!