Pics of my 26 bow

keith burn

Active Member
Thanks its a wb maroon.
It has 1 atlantic jewel
1 blue devil
1 bicolor damsel
1 domino damsel
I have a pair of gb maroons in my 75gal
I really love damsels

ledzep fan

Active Member
I also love your rockwork. How do you clean the sides though? That has always been the problem with trying to figure out how the rocks should be set up. Awsome tank!


Active Member
Originally Posted by keith burn
I like damsels for all the colors and varieties and cheap too.
i like the domino damsel. they are cool but i always stayed away from them for agression. ive had them before when i was beginner but they never would last for me.
anyway you have a nice tank

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by mopar9012
i like the domino damsel. they are cool but i always stayed away from them for agression. ive had them before when i was beginner but they never would last for me.
anyway you have a nice tank
I have had this one 8 or 9 m
Thay are ok if you have a bigger fish that will keep them in line (ie wb maroon)

keith burn

Active Member
Originally Posted by Ray28576
I like the feather duster in the top left corner.
Great Tank.
not found one this big in a long time about 4/5in from side to side 6/7 in long
just had to buy $25