Pics of my 29 (finally), and missing fish...


So I finally got a digital camera. Here are a few pics of my 29g. It's obviously not finished, but things are definitely progressing.
I tried to get some pics of my lmb and my diamond goby, but I can't find them anywhere. I moved around the rockwork to scare them out, and they were no where to be found. Fearing the worst, I checked the floor around the tank in case of carpet surfing. I wasn't able to find anything. Its entirely possible my cats got them if they jumped, which would really make me sad. I enjoyed both of those fish a lot.
BTW, the leather is a brand new addition, hence it being closed up.



Active Member
Originally Posted by Gexkko
So I finally got a digital camera. Here are a few pics of my 29g. It's obviously not finished, but things are definitely progressing.
I tried to get some pics of my lmb and my diamond goby, but I can't find them anywhere. I moved around the rockwork to scare them out, and they were no where to be found. Fearing the worst, I checked the floor around the tank in case of carpet surfing. I wasn't able to find anything. Its entirely possible my cats got them if they jumped, which would really make me sad. I enjoyed both of those fish a lot.
BTW, the leather is a brand new addition, hence it being closed up.




Active Member
Originally Posted by Gexkko
And a few more (sorry, took me a few to figure it out)

Looks nice....does that red volcanic rock leach out anything bad.....or maybe good?


I haven't noticed anything bad. I added it when I first set up the tank before I knew anything about lr. After doing a little more research (and thanks to these boards), it only took me about a week to add the lr. I don't know if the coraline will grow over it (not that I have a lot of coraline atm), but I like the look and its really porous for the bacteria.
The cb seems to like picking algea off it, as do the snails/hermits.


Thanks for the compliment zano. It still has a long way to go, and my lfs doesn't have a lot of coral selection at the moment. They told me they shoudl be getting a shipment soon, but they aren't sure when. I'm pushing them to get me some zoos :)
Speaking of zoos, I think I have a tiny hitchhiker...I'll post a pic tomorrow for confirmation.


I've heard the lava rock will leach heavy metals into the tank. You might want to do some research on it before adding a lot of coral.


It was collected for the purposes of the aquarium trade (not that that neccessarily means anything of course). It has also been in the tank for two months with no ill effects. I noticed some coraline growth on a few pieces yesterday as well. I'm going to be slowly adding corals after my lfs gets in a shipment, but who knows when that will be. Until then, I will keep a close eye on the leather as well as the shroom that hitchiked in.
From what I know of heavy metals, it only takes a small concentration to do a lot of harm to inverts. Vertibrates are a little more tolerant for a time due to their waste removal system, but will also die after relatively brief exposure if it's constant.
If anything I would expect the anemone to be showing signs of heavy metal damage if there were any in the tank. If the rock hasn't leeched anything in the two months it's been in, I doubt there is anything to be leeched. I could be completely wrong on this though. Only time and/or confirmation from an expert will tell.