pics of my 3 gal picotope


I had a clam that was bored (sp?) into one of my pieces of rock and it was still alive. It would open at night and shut real fast when you put a flashlight on it.


Love your tank!! very pretty..couple questions though. I was wanting to get one for my desk at work..Can I buy upgraded lighting to fit these small tanks or can I only get the stock 9watt 50/50 that sales with it? Also the filter that you get...Does it skim too? How do you keep the water from being to rich in waste? Could you house a clown and anemone in it like an easy species florida condi for example *shrugs* and maybe a skunk clown or another small clown? Im really not sure what species you could keep in this besides small zoo frags and such...


Originally Posted by Smork81
Love your tank!! very pretty..couple questions though. I was wanting to get one for my desk at work..Can I buy upgraded lighting to fit these small tanks or can I only get the stock 9watt 50/50 that sales with it? Also the filter that you get...Does it skim too? How do you keep the water from being to rich in waste? Could you house a clown and anemone in it like an easy species florida condi for example *shrugs* and maybe a skunk clown or another small clown? Im really not sure what species you could keep in this besides small zoo frags and such...
i did buy a better light for it its an 18w coralife pc with one 10k daylight and one true 03 actinic blue , and i also upgraded the filter too, its an marineland penguin 100 i think,
the filter that comes with it does not skim nor does the new one i am toying with the idea of putting a skimmer on it
the water does evaporate kinda quick so youll have to do daily top offs, i slowed the evap down on mine a lil bit by cutting a piece of glass to cover up most of the opening, i would not put any anenome in it, it is a really cool tank and i have had alot of fun with it so far
the only test kits i have are to test calcium, alk and ph at the moment
i hope this helps a little let me know if i have forgot something


Thanks Buffett. I really want to get all the info i need before I go off and get another tank. Did you use sand and LR from an existing tank or did you cycle the pico? Wondering if I could just use all existing sand, water, LR and corals from my other tanks. Do the lights fit well with no modifications?


Originally Posted by Smork81
Thanks Buffett. I really want to get all the info i need before I go off and get another tank. Did you use sand and LR from an existing tank or did you cycle the pico? Wondering if I could just use all existing sand, water, LR and corals from my other tanks. Do the lights fit well with no modifications?
my lfs gave me 3 pounds of ls and i bought some cured lr from some of their display tanks
but i would use some ls from from an existing tank if you could
the light works great for me, like i said i just cut a piece of glass and placed it over the top
no mods for the light i would like to make some legs for it as i have not been able to find any but i would lose the glass and it does help with the evaporation some
hope this helps some


THATS BEAUTIFUL I have a 29 gal bio cube now and just yesterday bought a 3 gal to go on my desk at work. i work at a dr office and they are all interested in it. mine came with a tight fitting lid and i put 5 lbs of ls in it then i put a 2 lb lr in today.i used some water from my existing tank. how long did yours take to cycle? your doing a great job i only hope mine turns out looking like that!!! AGAIN BEAUTIFUL!!!!


Originally Posted by blondie_00
THATS BEAUTIFUL I have a 29 gal bio cube now and just yesterday bought a 3 gal to go on my desk at work. i work at a dr office and they are all interested in it. mine came with a tight fitting lid and i put 5 lbs of ls in it then i put a 2 lb lr in today.i used some water from my existing tank. how long did yours take to cycle? your doing a great job i only hope mine turns out looking like that!!! AGAIN BEAUTIFUL!!!!
thank you so much i want to do more but its hard for me to find any frags of the things i want that are kinda cheap i hate saying that word when it comes to this hobby, it took maybe a week or so to cycle.
thank you for the kind words ^^


Buffett are you oing to put another fish in the tank when the clown outgrows that? What would be good candidates for such a small tank as far as fish go?


Originally Posted by Smork81
Buffett are you oing to put another fish in the tank when the clown outgrows that? What would be good candidates for such a small tank as far as fish go?
i will put something in it but atm im not sure ill think on it and get back with or somebody else will prob chime in
i will prob go with a Catalina Goby tho


i just ordered my 3g today i have no idea what kind of fish would be happy in 3gallons. Maybe i will just stick to inverts and coral. :thinking:


A Neon Goby would be the only fish I would try. Catalina Gobies have terrible survival rates, especially in a reef tank.


catalina gobys live in cold water. it wont last long in reef. it has to be in cooler water. i personaly wouldnt add a fish but you could probably go with any species of clown goby. they are realy tiny and have great personality. they are kinda hard to feed when you first get them but if you try hard enough he will eat. nice looking tank by the way!!


Originally Posted by arsen_36
catalina gobys live in cold water. it wont last long in reef. it has to be in cooler water. i personaly wouldnt add a fish but you could probably go with any species of clown goby. they are realy tiny and have great personality. they are kinda hard to feed when you first get them but if you try hard enough he will eat. nice looking tank by the way!!

yeah i thought about a clown goby too im not sure what ill put back in it, when the time comes itll be something small of course, and thank you


Originally Posted by Buffett
thank you so much i want to do more but its hard for me to find any frags of the things i want that are kinda cheap i hate saying that word when it comes to this hobby, it took maybe a week or so to cycle.
thank you for the kind words ^^

hey no problem. i know what you mean about the frags. im sure my lfs gets tired of me saying how much for that little frag. i do have some colt coral that is HUGE in my 29 i was thinking about trying to frag it. the only thing is i am scared of killing keep the pic comming!!!