Pics of my 46

Here are some pictures of my 46 gallon bowfront.. I just had the ballast for my MH replaced and wow its brighter than it has been in the last year or so....Tank has a single 175w MH bulb, and two 95w VHO actinics...
In it are a ton of Stripped mushroom corals, a trumpet coral, some hairy mushroom corals, some sort of pagoda cup which is recovering from being covered in striped mushroom corals (hopefully recovering...) and a Yellow watchman goby who is shy.



Wow. I really like how you stacked it up at just one side.


Active Member
Nice tank! Love the corals. I'd get a couple small fish so there is something moving around on the empty side IMO.
Thanks for the compliments.
Ya...I'll get fish soon, I've been lazy lol. We moved the tank recently and I just wanted to make sure things would be stable before adding anything new... I'd like to get either a few green chromis or a few cardinals to school up and swim around there.


I'd think a coral beauty angel would look super cool in there.
Thanks everyone,
Surfinusa I have tried my hardest with the dwarf angels, I've had the coral beauty, the cherub, the bicolor (not at the same time) and they didnt live more than a month...So I have given up on them...I have had good luck with the pj cardinal but he recently passed...I was cleaning my tank late one night and he wedged himself under a rock...:(. I still have my watchman goby of 4 years though!!
Oo the flame angel! I like their color. I'll have to see whats available this week. I plan on heading to the lfs tomorrow to see what they got and trade in some a rock of mushroom coral...
Heres more random pictures, close up of some coral and my favorite fish (more like my ownly fish...). I havent seen this fish in probably 6 months and since the tank move he comes out to feed on the open area of sand, but as soon as i move he runs and hides lol.. I had to take the picture of him out from across the room...
