Pics of my 55


I have a 20 gallon sump, and this tank has been up for about 7 months. I have the nova extreme t5 lighting 4X54 and 4 moon lights


Originally Posted by rujelus22
yeah it's the only clown in the tank, it's grown at lest 2 inches since I bought it

I really wanted to get the nova T-5 fixture for my 55.. I wasn't sure whether to get the one that holds 4x54 or 8x54, but your tank seems to be doing great with the 4x54 fixture...
Would you recomend the nova T-5 fixture????? Is that all the light u have, just the one fixture (4x54)????


yeah it's the only light I have and for only $200 it's awsome, I can keep just about anything, haven't tried any sps yet but I'm pretty sure if I put them up a little they would be fine.
With the 8 bulbs I know you could keep anything. But I'll stick with the 4 bulb it works great.


Originally Posted by rujelus22
yeah it's the only light I have and for only $200 it's awsome, I can keep just about anything, haven't tried any sps yet but I'm pretty sure if I put them up a little they would be fine.
With the 8 bulbs I know you could keep anything. But I'll stick with the 4 bulb it works great.

I have a couple of questions:
1. I see u have a anenome, what kind and how is it doing???
2. did the fixture come with a splash guard or something else,so that the lights aren't directly above the water????
3. did it come with 3 seperate plugs....1 for actinics, 1 for full spectrum, and 1 for moonlights?????
4. how often do u have to replace the T-5 bulbs???
Thanks for the help


I have a sebae in the middle and a long tentacle in the upper right, they have been growing and have been in there for about 7 months, the light does have a splash gaurd it has four plugs one for 10k one for actinics one for moon and one for the fan. and you need to replace the bulbs about every year


Originally Posted by rujelus22
If u happen to be on, thanks for all your help, I have decided to go with the 4x54W nova extreme..... Many people with T-5's seem to be very happy and seem to be able to keep just about anything. The 8x54 I think would produce to much heat, especially since I am not always home to monitor my apt. temp. I have one more question. I was wondering what your fish list was for this particular tank????


2 Talbot's Damsel
1 Black Damsel
1 Clarkii clown
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Sixline wrasse
1 Golden-headed Sleeper Goby
1 Cleaner shrimp
1 Arrow Crab
1 Purple Lobster
1 Urchin
1 Black brittle star
and some hermits and snails


Originally Posted by rujelus22
2 Talbot's Damsel
1 Black Damsel
1 Clarkii clown
1 Lawnmower Blenny
1 Sixline wrasse
1 Golden-headed Sleeper Goby
1 Cleaner shrimp
1 Arrow Crab
1 Purple Lobster
1 Urchin
1 Black brittle star
and some hermits and snails

Are you having any problems with any of these in your tank??? Did u have to wait a while to put the lawnmower blenny in, so the microalgae could build up????


never had any troubles with any of them and the lawnmower was one of the first fish in the tank but he will eat anything, he's a fat little pig


Originally Posted by rujelus22
never had any troubles with any of them and the lawnmower was one of the first fish in the tank but he will eat anything, he's a fat little pig

do u have a refugium feeding the tank???