Pics of my 60g


Here are some pics of my newbie-ish 60 gallon. Excuse the poor quality pictures. As a poor film student in an expensive hobby and major, I don't have a digital still camera. So these are screen captures using my DV Cam.
I set up the tank in mid-June. As opposed to a reef tank with decorative fish, I aquascaped and designed the tank to be a fish tank with decorative corals. By that I mean, the rocks are arranged with swimming space and hiding places for the fish first and optimal coral placement second.
This is what it looked like about a month and a half after setup. Not much to speak of. Just a feather duster and some clowns.


This is the tank last month or so. I have a new Monti Cap and 2 firefish that I recently added but I'm too lazy to take pics right now. Heh.


I really like the rock formation. It looks very natural, and I think natural is the best.


The tank looks great!
Out of curiousity, how much LR did you use? I've got a 55 gallon with 50 pounds and yours looks way better.


Thanks for the kudos on the aquascaping. I'm real glad the pieces I had fit together so nicely.
I have roughly 80 lbs or so of live rock in the tank right now. You wouldn't think it by looking at it though. I guess its really dense rock.
It started off about half and half in terms of live rock to base rock. I just ordered another 30 lbs of smaller pieces to throw into my sump and fuge hopefully to take care of my microbubble problem.
Here are some more pics. This one's my big boy, the six head frogspawn.


and now for some of my problem corals. Does anyone know what's with my Lobo? It's totally healthy except for the top left corner of the top polyp. I think it might have had shipping damage cause I think the dark discoloration is a part of skeleton that was poking through. The surrounding area bleached as a result. Had this guy for a couple months now and no sign of imrpovement or getting worse.


This red brain spit out its zoozanthele a long time ago and I was worried I'd lose it, but it's stuck around and has looked this way for a few months now. How long do they usually take to get their color back? Did it get too much light? Too little?


Active Member
Looks REALLY nice ...Great aquascapeing. Could something have stung the Lobo at one time or another? :D