Pics of my 75!


Hello everybody,
Well I've been coming to this website for about 2 years and this is my first post. :joy: I got a 75 gallon around 2 years now and finally got a digital camera for Christmas. I'll tell ya a digital is the way to go. Anyhow it is a 5MP and I am still practicing all kind of shots. Well here they are and enjoy my new additions to the tank. They are the flame angel, 3 marine catfish (VENOMOUS) The LFS didn't even know they are venomous! :thinking: :thinking: :scared:
and a clarkii clown. Besides those I have a green bird wrasse :scared: :scared: He's a MONSTER and eats like one too! a yellow wrasse, a sgt major, blue devil damsel, yellow tang, and a lawnmower blenny. I am kind of understocked cause I lost around 17 fish to a heater last year! Man that hurt. So I am building slowly and almost where I want to be. Ok enjoy the pics! :jumping:



Healthy looking fish. I love how the Coral Cats swim together like that. I read that as they mature they will be more of a loner.


Yes I read that also. They are very cool to watch as they look for food in the sand. What worries me is that they have that venomous spine and it could be lethal if stuck. I also read they lose that white stripe as they mature. Well we will see trial and error in this hobby.


Research will save you some $$$ and some trial and error, lol.
But I digress, I wouldn't worry about the spine. Several fish kept in the hobby are venomous. Just don't handle with your bare hands or a net.


Originally Posted by joojoo
Research will save you some $$$ and some trial and error, lol.
But I digress, I wouldn't worry about the spine. Several fish kept in the hobby are venomous. Just don't handle with your bare hands or a net.


Originally Posted by JayC
Awesome tank!!!
Thanks alot!
I try and keep up on it. i do something to it almost every day weather it be the skimmer adjustment, adding to the sump or cleaning the glass. I just love the tank and want to get a 180 soon. That will set me back big time.
Oky doky thanks again
