Pics of My 95g

fish fever

It's a giant starry hermit crab. It's a brave little thing. The puffer and the trigger are leaving it alone for the most part. It is one of the first residents moved in the tank.


Nice tank Fish Fever. Can you post a picture of your full tank setup. There is a 95g wave tank with stand in the paper here for 100.00 and I want to know what it look like before I drive 30 miles to look at it.


I really don't have room for it in my house,already have 9 tanks. Looking for a house to purchase right now. But if it is a nice setup, I could purchase it and take it to my sister's house for the time being. But if someone here in the Memphis area really need a tank, provide me an email address and I can give you the phne #.
What is the dimensions on a 95g?


Active Member
still love the shape of that tank. I'm gonna get that or a corner tank before all said and done. Whats the fish in the first pic some kind of wrasse, its sweet looking? reef safe (probably not)? trigger hasn't tried to have crab for dinner yet?


Whats that fish in the 1st pic???? And for 100 bux i'd grab that tank real fast. But I live in Mi.

fish fever

It is 48x18or24x24. The widths are different for the two ends due to the design. Are you sure it was on $100 for the whole setup? I paid $800 just for the tank, stand and built-in overflow. Here is a full tank shot:


fish fever

This wrasse is about 3 or 4 inches. It is very assertive and not afraid of the trigger or the puffer in my tank. They fought over food during feeding but not too overly agressive. It sleeps in the sand and comes out during the day. It will grow much larger so I don't plan to put more fish in my tank.


That is a really nice set-up. Yep, 100.00 for tank and stand only. I am going to give them a call and see if they still have it. Sometimes around here, you can get a used almost new set-up for practically nothing. But they are few and very far between.

fish fever

Thank you for all your kind words. I really like the tank myself. All-Glass has a really nice product, very well made. I wish I could find the $100 deal here in Los Angeles. I am still very pleased even I paid $$$$$ for this setup. Here is the list of equipment I have
G2 Protein Skimmer w/ pump
Wet/Dry sump
Little Giant external pump
All Glass heater
JBJ Chiller
Current USA Orbit light
Maxijet power head
Only complaint I have is that the pump is rather noise. We may put some sound proof material inside the stand later.


Hey Fish fever. I'm thinking of getting a red coris wrasse for my 125 FOWLR tank. Could you tell me how yours has been holding up and what his personality is like?