Pics of my Biocube 29 mods and stock


Lots of people have been interested in modifying the back chambers to allow more water and fuge space. Here's what I did I hope it helps! You biocube owners will be able to tell where I cut in between the first two chambers.



Active Member
I wish I had a ton of mushrooms... looks nice, I'm sure when you add more corals the shrooms will be out though, but I like them right now. Can't help you with the mods, my 29 isn't a biocube. but still, very nice looking tank.


I was wondering, I have a 29 gal and wondered how you filled your middle back chamber. I have LR rubble in mine, but it is only about 4 in. deep, so I could only fit about a lb and a half. The LR should be fully submersed right? And what are you filtering your back right chamber with, does it help much? Thanks, everything looks great!


In the first pic, do you see the red area I drew in? That is what I cut in order to allow the entire back to fill up! The filter is just an Aqua Clear filter insert foam. It just catches everything before it gets into the back. This has solved a lot of problems I was having with the water flow in the tank.


Thank you very much, I think I will be doing this to mine as well. Is it very bad if I run the tank a little above the maximum line.


What do you mean by the tank crashing or failing? Tank crashing is caused by hasty decisions and stocking too much, too quickly, and poor water quality. This setup will not CAUSE the tank to crash or fail.
My heater is fully submerged, I don't know the answer to that question.


the heater should be submerged below the elements...the top half should be ok out of water...but the more it is submerged the better