Pics of my Dussumieri tangs


Originally Posted by drea
thats nice.. what size tank? how many tangs total?
It's a 560 gal tank, 160 gal refugium and I have too many tangs. If I told you the total, I won't be able to shake off the tang police.


Active Member
Taking into account the 7 regals in the pick with the new 8, and reading some of your other posts about stock you added with these..More power to ya


that's a very nice tank man, who cares about what a few hobbiest say. common logic would say 20 tangs (estimate) in a 500+ would be happier then 1 tang in a 75.


Active Member
Hey, if your tank looks abit overcrowded you could dump one of them in my tank :hilarious Looking good


I have a total of 23 tangs in the tank. They all seem to be happy and have lots of swimming and hiding places. I always buy in odd numbers since I have more success that way otherwise I would buy in pair.
As for a full tank view, I will take post some pictures later after the tank tour that we are having in the dfw area. I hope you enjoy the pictures I have posted.
Puffer32, if you are intersted, we are having a tank tour in the keller and mid-cities area.


I'm in the mid cities area! What is a tank tour?? Your tank looks fabulous, by the way! :joy: Those tangs are beautiful.


Originally Posted by jenni620
I'm in the mid cities area! What is a tank tour?? Your tank looks fabulous, by the way! :joy: Those tangs are beautiful.
On the very top page, you will see Keller - Midcities Tank Tour click here. There is a couple of members including myself that will be displaying their tanks to the public. I believed the first person has a 215 gal tank Lewisville, then next person has a 180 gal tank in Ronoake, then a 215 gal tank in Southlake, then my tank which is about 560 gal tank in Keller, then 150 gal tank in Haltom City, then a 215 gal SPS tank in Euless, then the grand finale in NE of fort worth where you will see one of the best SPS tank in DFW.
Let me know if you have any questions.