Pics of my first tank :)


To get the Skilter to work better until you can get the other filtration put a wood airstone in the riser column with a small air pump. It actually works quite well. I did this about 8 years ago. Most likely will put more bubbles in the tank.



Originally posted by Niger12
To get the Skilter to work better until you can get the other filtration put a wood airstone in the riser column with a small air pump. It actually works quite well. I did this about 8 years ago. Most likely will put more bubbles in the tank.

omg you're an angel.


Active Member
You should of waited a couple months before you put the starfish in considering they can get hurt and lose parts or sometimes die from shifts in the tanks water levels seeing as the stability of the tanks water levels shift often especially right after the cycle time dont mean to rain on your day. I also agree with dburr the BTA should have more light but sometimes you have to learn on your own. Dont mean to sound mean. Nice tank and goodluck


I agree 100% with dburr. An anenome needs intense light to properly survive. It doesnt matter how close your lighting is to the anenome, it is how bright the lighting is. Mh is the proper light for that and dont be surprised if you lose it. The other reason i say this is it is common knowledge to not add something as sensitive and hard to take care of as an anenome until your tank is very well established- 6 months or more. IMHO


I really appreciate the suggestions and concern, guys...
but I'm afraid I'm with Birdy, my friends and my LFS's on this.
The anenome is fine, as a matter of fact- he moved to a shadier place this morning.


No offense because i am by no means an expert but i would just monitor the bubble tip because they tend to like more ligh (my lfs had a anemone under strip light for some time) but even if they do fine the lesser light will make them live a shorter lif. IF you just think about how much light they get in the nature it will make sense considering the sun is much brighter than any metal hlaide you will find.
But what makes me upset is that you say you appretiate everyones suggestions yet you fall to even consider them. Remember as you said this is your first tank and hte ppl at this sight surely know what hey are talking about
I hope your tank thrives though because it is so fun to watch the clowns and anenomes interact!:)
Enjoy ur first reef expierence



Originally posted by reefer44
But what makes me upset is that you say you appretiate everyones suggestions yet you fall to even consider them.

Look, I'm not being stubborn about this-I really think the bta is just fine when it comes to lighting.
I've gotten so many conflicting information and suggestions.
Some say go with CF, some say VHO, some say MH
Some say 2-3 watt per gallon, some say 10.
I went with a happy medium of 5.
Sometimes, you just gotta go with your gut instinct when you speak to one person, turn around someone else has a completely different suggestion.
And I REALLY DO appreciate the suggestions.
But don't come down on me when I didn't ask for help in the lighting department in the first place.
Thank you sincerely to everyone who replied.



Originally posted by soccer4life94
I hope your bedside manor is better....hate to see what will happen if a doc contradicts your assessment :notsure:

Now was that really called for??
How mature of you...really.
I would say very mature. One thing I have learned here is that these guys know what they are talking about. They were giving very nice, FREE I might add, advice to you and you really took attitude to them. Whether you want to admit it or not. Keep in mind that LFS are selling you things. they will tell you what you want to hear in order to make the sell. The guys here have no reason to misinform you. If in fact you researched as you say you did, you would have seen these guys are telling you the truth.
"I didn't ask for help in the lighting department in the first place."
If that doesnt scream attitude then I don't know what does. Anyway...Im not here to fight with you. Im here to read what these guys say and learn from it. I just felt very offended by the way you spoke to these guys helping you and wanted that to be know. Otherwise, I hope your tank is doing great and I wish you all the success with it :happyfish


If you would have read the entire thread, you would have noticed that I am very polite when advice is first offered even when I don't take it.
But it's the three, four, even fives times that people are hammering down on me for not taking advice....
what sense does that make?
This has nothing to say anything about my character, or about my career personality, of which you had no right to comment on.
lol... OK.. Shanna.
IMO Attitude has ALOT to say about character, your attitude is a direct representation of your character. That's why when your in Elementary School they rate a child on their ability to accept constructive criticism. Oh well... just my opinion.
And btw. I did read the whole thread. Thats what prompted me to say something. But like I said. Im not here to play post back and forth with you. So...once again...good luck with your tank and I wish it every success. I look forward to seeing you read the board more often and seeing your tank develop. Later.... :D

nm reef

Active Member
Ok...enough of the flame...the lady says she has made a choice and is prepared to defend it. This site offers advice to any and all that want to seek it...but flames aren't to be tolerated. For the record I'd have to agree that the majority of sources will indicate your anenome would fair better in a more mature system with more intense lighting. But the choice is totally up to you and I wish you the best. The pic you attached is pretty kewl. Looks to me like you are off to a decent enough start. I'd also welcome you to the hobby...keep us posted as your system progresses. Dispite the responses here don't hesitate to ask questions along the way.
Since this thread and the direction it was going were reported to the moderators I'll now close it. On a side note...shanna349...since you started the thread you can delete it if you like. I really see nothing to warrent a deletion at this point...but since its developed a "poor attitude" I will close it.