Pics of my first tank


New Member
Just got my first tank started. :joy: It's a 24 gallon with about 6lbs of LR in it. I'm going to get about 15lbs more of LR in it eventually. I like to get a 50 gallon and make this my test tank. Havent decided what fish im going to put in it yet. Hopefully these pics will send. Hehe



Active Member
looks good just watch the outside sun light that looks like is coming in the window...have fun with it and go slow, i didnt and it cost me lots of money in growing pains...


Active Member
Looks like a great start!
Have fun with it, and go slow like larrynews said.
P.S. Be careful, this hobby is very addicting.


New Member
I got more rock for my tank. Its a 24 gallon and has 24 lbs of LR now:) Something is on the rock, looks like a green cacoon. You can see through it. I got a pic, not a very good one though. It's about a inch long.



New Member
Originally Posted by JayC
Looks like a great start!
Have fun with it, and go slow like larrynews said.
P.S. Be careful, this hobby is very addicting.

Ya, I'll have to start going to saltwater AA meetings soon, hehe. Oh ya. The fish store I bought the rock from said I could bring my water in so they could test it. They said it was free, but shouldnt I just buy my own kit?


Yeah i would buy a kit. I use kits for about 3 or 4 months. whenever i feel like the tank is established. then i check every once in a while to make sure everything is on track. Good luck and congrats on being a Saltwater addict :cheer:


Active Member
My LFS does the same thing, but I bought my own test kit becase its so far away and I'm not able to get there every week or so. Not sure what the cacoon thing is. :notsure: