Pics. Of My LR Formation

dad & son

If you want to see the rock click here or can someone help teach me how to post pictures on this web site? So what you think of the color and the layout of the rock? We spent hours getting it that way. well only about 30 min but it was still hard.
now to sit back and wach ***) this takes forever


Rock looks pretty good. I've never been a fan of the "wall with holes" look, but whatever floats your boat is cool, so long as it's stable.
Anyway, to post pictures on this website, first save them to your computer. Then when you are posting a thread, look at the bottom and you'll see a button that says "Manage Attachments". Click and it will bring up a window. Just find the file on your computer, upload, and you should be good to go.
Just a note, keep it 500x500, as larger images stretch the boards.


Looks goog to me too.... Just one question though... (no bashing) the RO water looks a little cloudy. It may just be the glass/light. Did you rinse the tank good before you set it up? Usually the water would look crystal clear.

dad & son

yes i rinsed the tank first and i had just put the sand in so that may be why it was a little cloudy the tank hadnt had enought time to filter it all the way threw. Now its got that crystal clear look to it.


oh... couldnt tell that there was sand in there already.
No worrries... Good luck.
Its a time (and money) consuming hobby, but it is SOOOOOOO worth it. :happyfish


Ok I have to ask scince you did not say and I hope that you did. Did you glue them??? If not you have a accident waiting to happen. But it does look good.

dad & son

no i didn't glue tem because most of them are just one big peice. there are only really 4 rocks. that justbasically make up the whole structure. they are huge!!!!