Pic's of my new 1 gallon Nano


Active Member

Originally posted by lionfish12
I wonder why.. Just leave him along. He'll end up with a dead anemone soon. If he wants to waste that money then fine.

I'd rather that he not learn his lesson by a dead anything.
But yea he will be moving it soon (I hope very soon BTW) so it should be fine.

Originally posted by toddpolish
are those some zoos in the front that aren't opened up? what color are they?

The Zoo's closed up from the blue leg crab and are a fine yellow/brown. There is a seperate rock that the shrooms are on, so they won't go anywhere.


:D personally, i think you have a wonderful little setup for the time being but i just would add anything else how long have you had it? i have a 20 gallon i no how it feels for people to be
and ooh nooo


Active Member
..I didn't flame at all. I never said he is stupid, dumb, or any other insults. I'm not sorry that I said anything, but it was an ooh nooo and not a
. Two completely different things.


I like the idea of a tiny little tank with just some mushrooms and/or inverts, which it sounds like is your long term plan for this tank? Just wondering, is water quality maintained only through water changes? I didn't see a filter and can't inagine there's room for a powerhead.....