Pics of my new buddies...


Active Member
I like the half-yellow-tang stuck in the glass at the left side of your tank....:yes:
Fish look pretty, but I've gotta ask what your filtration is. If you want some constructive criticism i'd say add more LR, you need some serious biological filtration with the fish you've chosen. That and your eel will be much more comfortable with more LR to hide in and cover him. Good luck with 'em.


I don't have any live is a fish only tank. It has an double biowheel filter and a wet/dry with bioballs. The Wrasse (wolf eel) is awesome. Since he is not a true eel, he does not require as much hiding places, because he spends a fair amount of time swimming around. He is probably the most entertaining fish in the tank, everyone should have one of these guys.


Active Member
I know you don't have any LR. That's why I suggested adding some, b/c you will need biological filtration, as your mechanical/chemical filtration will be stressed as the fish grow.
The wolf eel is commonly referred to as a wrasse or blenny, but it's actually a Pseudochromis. Similar to an eel though, it needs a tight-fitting canopy and prefers a tank with adequate hiding places. True eels aren't the only species that require hiding places, many fish species prefer hiding places, the Wolf Eel included.
Just FWIW, just some constructive advice for the future from someone who's been there (i started w/ a stocked 75g and no LR).


I thought wolf eel or wolf blennies or whatever you want to call them were actually dottybacks or pseudochromids. I was actually thinking of getting one, but I only have a 75 as my biggest tank and I wasn't sure if they needed more room than that. My LFS has one that must be close to 16 inches long that is in its little tiny compartment, but I don't think it would like that permanently. Also does anyone know if the Green Wolf Eel (dottyback) would get along with a couple marine bettas?


Oh, and as far as filtration goes I will have plenty of LR and my system is actually 3 75 gallon tanks and one 80 gallon sharing the same water and huge skimmer. Also one of the 75's is going to be a low flow fishless refugium that should provide plenty of critters for the others.


Sorry, I guess MorayM already pointed out that the wolf eel is a dottyback. I should read the whole page before posting.


The wolf eel prefers a tank of 60g or more, so my tank is fine for him. The clown trigger and volitan lion will need a larger tank down the road. Right now they are juvies.
There are three types of tanks that I know of, Reef, FOWLR, and FO. This is a FO (Fish Only) tank and does not have live rock. However, it does have the proper filtration with biowheels and balls. They hold all the biological filtration required for this size tank.


all i can say is that Yur tank is a disaster waiting to happen. I dont want to see what happrns when that clown decides yur lion looks tasty


very nice looking triggers. i got me a niger this weekend. i love those guys. your tank looks very clean. did you add all of these fish at once??