Pics Of My New Tank Setup


New Member

still kind of new to this saltwater fish thing buteverything is good with my fishes i have a blue hippo tang. a cardinal, clownfish, and a blue damsel


great start, what size tank. Look into a solid colored background, really makes a tank in my opinion.
And before someone flames you do a little tang search in the search bar up top.
Other than that
keep it up welcome to the boards! best on the web!


New Member
Originally Posted by blizz75
great start, what size tank. Look into a solid colored background, really makes a tank in my opinion.
And before someone flames you do a little tang search in the search bar up top.
Other than that
keep it up welcome to the boards! best on the web!


Active Member
looks great,
,i do believe also that a solid back ground would look alot better too...welcome to the board...have a great night...


Active Member
I'm not being an as-, but I would lose the crushed coral, fake background and of course the tang will not live in there very long. Just my opinion. Sorry not what you wanted to hear but most of us have been down that same "Ole" road before.


New Member
Originally Posted by hot883
I'm not being an as-, but I would lose the crushed coral, fake background and of course the tang will not live in there very long. Just my opinion. Sorry not what you wanted to hear but most of us have been down that same "Ole" road before.

why is the tang not gunna live long


Active Member
i also thought the cardinal was a crack... nice pics... i just changed the cc to ls in my tank, it sucked but it will help in the future... 40gal is tooooo small for a tang...