Pics Of My New Tank!



Originally posted by nickfish
What do you people think?

I think that you have a lot of work to do with that tank. I think that you dont have enough live rock, or the adequate filtration, and yer tank cannot handle having an eel and a trigger in it. You were mislead when setting up this tank, werent you? For eels, you need plenty of live rock for them to hide in, and i know once u said that he is fine just wrapping around the one piece of rock, but thats just cuz its all that he has, and he isnt fine, cuz he is obviously very stressed. Look at his coloration, and then look at the coloration of any other snowflake eel. Im not trying to be mean or rude, im just warning you that something is gonna die soon unless you fix yer problems, and it will cost you a lot of money, but this hobby isnt cheap, and its not easy to get out of it, so... good luck. I dont have time to give you the whole rundown of what you have to do, but you can email me at so i can help you sort this thing out. Have a good day i guess.


Active Member
The tank is off to a fair start. I'd certainly add some more rock as your budget permits. Your bioload is small so the filtration is adequate for now. When the fish grow or you add more, a good skimmer will be a nice investment. I don't think anything is going to die any time soon. Your eel looks fine, and there are variances in color with snowflakes, with some looking darker that others.
When I kept aggressive fish a few years back, I had a snowflake and various triggers. They are hardy fish for the most part. Watch your water quality since these guys can generate a lot of waste. If you have good circulation, any waste will be suspended long enough to be picked up by your power filter. Keep at it, add some more rock. Have you thought of a backround for the tank to hide the power cords, etc?


Well, I put in some plastic pipes for the eel to hide in but it ignored them. The only reason the coloration is bad is because well, my camera is not the best in the world. I have a matured sponge in one of the filters for biological filtration.


Do you think a dwarf lion would be good for the tank once its done? The trigger has shown no agressive or nipping behavior.


Active Member
Woah, youre getting too far ahead of yourself here. Lets remedy the current situation before we create a bigger one.



Originally posted by nickfish
Do you think a dwarf lion would be good for the tank once its done? The trigger has shown no agressive or nipping behavior.

No, no lion. No fish at ALL for at least a month, u have alot of problems to take care of, and a songe isnt gonna do u the trick, noep nope. And, Nicetry, that IS a fairly large bioload considering the actul filtration he has and the small chunk of live rock. Please man, shoot me an eamil and we can work this out, aight?