Pics of my new tank


I have had some questions about only using the hob filter. I know I probably need to get a skimmer later on but what other kind of filter sould I use???
Oh and I am just using sand from ***** it is not live sand, which is what I should have used but I was spending more than I planned already so I went with this. I plan on seeding it later on though.


Active Member
There are so many ways to go here it's discusting. First you can try doing a search on filtration that should bring up a lot of info.
How much if any lr do you plan on putting in the tank? If you go with 1 lb per gallon then the need for more expensive filtration is lessened.
You could use a wet dry or a trickle filter if you wanted. A protien skimmer is great. Then you have canister filters. They can do a good job too.
I think you should do a little studying on different types of filtration and see which type fits your systems needs.


Active Member
IMO you need to change things as soon as possible. Reason being that right now you have very little area in that filter for bacteria to grow. When you remove it to put on your new filtration you will have no bio filter at all. You should change it asap.


Active Member
here here- Heres what to do- for now you are ok- i would however get 2 powerheads( for water movement) and put one on each side- that is a 55 gallon correct? You dont need a skimmer yet, but as you put you live rock in and add moer fish i would put one on- but at the moment you are ok- just get a couple of powerheads :D


Active Member
also you dont need a wet/dry filter- a mechanical filter (what you have) and a skimmer will be fine- for that tank i would use the CPR Bak- Pac or Remore skimmer- i have used both and they both work well for your application


YOU DO NOT NEED A WET/DRY or any kind of other filter than what you have! I am using the dual Emperor on my 75g. I have 2 powerheads and a skimmer...Not one single problem.
I did notice that the intake was very low though. I think the package comes with an extension for deeper tanks. I would try to remove the extension and go with the default length. Instead of having sand sucked up in the filters all the time.
Everyone has their own ideas....I don't think anybody really "needs" fancy filtration. Everyone is talking from their own experiences. There are people that have reef tanks with no filtration. You do need the powerheads for water movement. You are fine with the filter you have now. I started off with a HOB filter and then upgraded to a canister. Not I have a drilled tank with a sump underneath that is more of a bio-wheel with filtration, it is the Tide-pool system. Like Slick said, do a search on filtration. You will find people with just a HOB, you will find people with wet/drys, you will find people that totally disagree with a wet/dry. In any case there is now hurry right and then ask questions. The more live rock you have the better. As other people say tank....your decision.:)


Ok thanks alot for the help. I almost ran out to get a wet dry put then figured I would be ok for awhile. I am going to take the extension off the filter. Thanks again for the help


i have a 60 witha portien skimmer and a dual Emperor it is great. i have had it for years now and all is fine.


I run a 400 also on my 45g reef. It is a good start. Keep it, as you add live rock and the sand becomes live that will become your main filtration and handle the nitrates. I would add more sand for a deep sandbed if you are going reef. A dsb should be at a min. of 4", do it now and not later as it becomes a mess. Now once the system stabilizes and you decide if you are going to have a wet/dry, sump and or refuge the emperor can be used for circulation without the bio wheels and it is also good to use for any media like carbon. Also filter pads get the crap out of the water. Just as a point when the system stabilizes, remove one wheel at a time so the a balance can happen, give 3-4 weeks before you remove the other wheel. Right now I only have 1 wheel and run carbon and nitrate remover 24/7 with filter pads and my water is close to perfect, nitrate <10. I also have 4" live sand and 47lbs of rock with a skimmer.