Pics of my tank... (long)


Heres some pics of my 55 gallon tank. It has about 80lbs of live rock. If you have any questions about it or want a more detailed picture of a certain area, let me know :)



Beautiful tank. What kind of live rock did you use? I love the arched piece.
Amanda :)


The live rock i think is Fiji rock, it came from my local fish store from a distributor called " " (this is what was on the box)
Thanks for the comments :)
No links allowed

[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: BurnNSpy ]


Originally posted by BurnNSpy:
<STRONG>Looks nice, how long have you had the gorgians and what are your nitrates?
nitrates are slim, im running the Ecosystem. even though ive heard everyone and thier mother knock it down, it has been pretty impressive and i havent had any problems with nitrates or nitires.
...and the gorgians....? what are those?


beaker, would you pleaes e-mail me that link to the supplier. my e-mail is
it is also listed in my profile
I will say, that is an AWESOME reef you have there, its the tank I wish to have someday! what type lighting do you use?
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]


Originally posted by @knight:
<STRONG>beaker, would you pleaes e-mail me that link to the supplier. my e-mail is
it is also listed in my profile
I will say, that is an AWESOME reef you have there, its the tank I wish to have someday! what type lighting do you use?
[ May 21, 2001: Message edited by: @knight ]</STRONG>
I emailed you the link (sorry moderators)
The lights are 4 18" double wide 36w bulbs (2 white, 2 blue)....then in the back i have a 48" long black light type bulb.
sorry my terminology is kinda off, im not a professional with lights.


Originally posted by sgtdraven:
<STRONG>what kind of clown is that in the rock?</STRONG>
its a maroon


thanks for the link,
it appears as if that is a "big-time supplier" min order is 3,ooo lbs of liverock!
(just a little over my head!) hehehe


Originally posted by @knight:
<STRONG>thanks for the link,
it appears as if that is a "big-time supplier" min order is 3,ooo lbs of liverock!
(just a little over my head!) hehehe</STRONG>
oh come on, i know ya wanna do a 2,500 gal tank in your living room!....your whole living room! heh


Active Member
man that is an AWESOME TANK!!!! how has everything in there been? any deaths beafore? how long has it been up. i envy you :D. congrats again on the awesome tank. later, bo


Originally posted by Grouperhead:
<STRONG>man that is an AWESOME TANK!!!! how has everything in there been? any deaths beafore? how long has it been up. i envy you :D. congrats again on the awesome tank. later, bo</STRONG>
well, if you notice in the first picture, there is a HUGE blonde naso tang...a bit oversized for the tank...i had him for about a month and he wouldnt eat anything and was extremely stressed out...i gave him to my buddy...he has a 100gal was doing really well and then it died back behind a bunch of rocks for an unknown reason....he couldnt get to it and the amonia's whiped out his whole tank :(
i have lost an anemone here and there, the torch coral has lost a brach or 2 (another one is dieing right now)....the torch started out with 3 braches, one died right away, and it has now 5 braches. i have also had some seriously discusting algea outbreaks in this tank....bought a "keep it clean" kit from swf dot com <note to self: no links> and it cleaned up everything right away....the snails, crabs, shrimp, stars all help the maintenence of the tank very much...i HIGHLY recomend these kits.
also with the ecosystem <email me for link> this kit is pretty amazing with the mud n stuff. the caulerpa helps keep the lagea down as well. theres about 75-100 feather dusters in my sump as well.....i have noticed a few small (about 1" long) worms in my sump lately...kinda reddish orange and hairy looking...kinda like a catapillar...if anyone knows what these are and what i should do to get rid of them, please let me know...
other then that, its been a peiceful tank...WAIT! i seabae like to eat only the expensive food...other fish!...ill post a pic below...hes litterally 6" in diameter....he has eaten a baby naso tang and a powder brown tang...also the clown didnt take very well to a oriental sweetlip i bought...killed him within 24 hours.

(this thing was 2 1/2 inches in diameter when i got it)
any other questions?
Thanks again for all the comments, all this money spent has more then paid for itself in satisfaction.


I can bet I've seen you at one of the stores around us... "If you do live in HB". If I don't reply back it's because I'm going to be gone for 10 days... But I'll reply when I'm back
BTW, very nice tank, and isn't your rock Walt Smith rock? Get it at Seaside? Or Fish 2000?
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Tonka ]


The Gorgonian is a soft predatory coral. It's the yellow finger gorgonian (the yellow branced thing in the backround of the third picture, upper left hand corner, and an even better shot in the fourth photo, lower right hand corner).
You must be doing something right, because, Garf say's that the need to be fed twice a week. Garf has a recipe on their website that they use to feed their gorgonian's.
The yellow finger gorgonian's are one of the easiest gorgonian's to feed because they have really large polyp's and therefore since you haven't been feeding it, the gorgonian may be picking up loose piece's of fish food or brine shrimp (if you feed brine shrimp).
I'll e-mail you the link to Garf if you give me your e-mail.
Ps, Gorgeous tank!!!
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Danielle ]