Pics of my tank... (long)


Originally posted by Tonka:
<STRONG>I can bet I've seen you at one of the stores around us... "If you do live in HB". If I don't reply back it's because I'm going to be gone for 10 days... But I'll reply when I'm back
BTW, very nice tank, and isn't your rock Walt Smith rock? Get it at Seaside? Or Fish 2000?
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Tonka ]</STRONG>

Yes, i live in HB (i dont just claim it when im really from riverside lol) I live about 2 blocks from seaside and thats where i got my waltsmith LR from. I got most of my setup (stand, lid, fluval, sand, and accesories from fish 2000. some other stuff from Tongs up on warner and magnolia.
drop me an email at
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Beaker ]



Originally posted by Danielle:
The Gorgonian is a soft predatory coral. It's the yellow finger gorgonian (the yellow branced thing in the backround of the third picture, upper left hand corner, and an even better shot in the fourth photo, lower right hand corner).
You must be doing something right, because, Garf say's that the need to be fed twice a week. Garf has a recipe on their website that they use to feed their gorgonian's.
The yellow finger gorgonian's are one of the easiest gorgonian's to feed because they have really large polyp's and therefore since you haven't been feeding it, the gorgonian may be picking up loose piece's of fish food or brine shrimp (if you feed brine shrimp).
I'll e-mail you the link to Garf if you give me your e-mail.
Ps, Gorgeous tank!!!
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Danielle ]</STRONG>

ya know what, im glad youve said something about this. Ive had them for about 2 months and ive noticed the onces on the left side of the tank (pics 4 and 5) are starting to die. I was never really givin any instruiction on how to feed them, i just squirt some Kents PhytoPlex in there once every other day. The polips ive noticed come out very rarely..mainly after water changes.
I will email you for a link to that site on how to take care of these things, im really interested in these, i like em a lot and dont want to loose them :)
Danielle:, i cannot seem to send you a message of any sort, please email me a link to the site you were talking about above at the address below
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Beaker ]


Hey Beaker:
I sent you the site. I don't know why but my profile no matter how many time's I try, i can't get it to show my e-mail address.
Sorry about that, and no problem. Glad I could help.
That's whatit's all about.


Originally posted by sgtdraven:
<STRONG>then is it just his lighting making this fish look black?</STRONG>
kinda, yes, its a very deep dark red...
heres a better picture of him (older) and there is my powder brown (gold rim) tang that the seabae ate...its like his size!


i think theres about 40 or so snails in there...they are all mostly hard to notice unless you are looking for them....they just kinda blend in.
Tank has been up and running since about October of 2000, so about 7 months.
[ May 22, 2001: Message edited by: Beaker ]


Active Member
Gorgians are not for beginners, when I went back and looked again I could see that they are dying(branches are showing skeleton).
The dying anemones and frogspawns is a symptom of things to come Im sorry to say, you probably don't have enough lighting to keep them alive for the long term.
What are the water parameters(Salinity, Alk. calcium and phosphates)?