pics of my tank


Active Member
I just started a site to keep some pics and such.
It's a start anyways, ;)
Any advice on the tank would be appreciated.
<a href="" target="_blank"></a>


Active Member
Volitan, Thanks and maybe we will help each other out some day.
NM reef, Thanks, I couldn't ask for more than a shark to respond in such a nice way.


Active Member
Great job! Especially well maintained and I really like your rock work.
How much has your "dead" base rock matured?
Thanks for the pics :)


Active Member
Thanks for all the nice comments.
The maturity of the dead rock? Well, having a problem with getting coralline to grow on it.
The gobie? Had it for a few months now. Seems to be doing ok. It likes to eat frozen brine with the rest.
Thanks again for all the kind words.


Active Member
Hi, Corky
I've had the sponge stick for about 3 months.
I lost about 2" of it the first month. I think it was because I had it placed directly on the sand.
I just added a few more pics and I want to thank everyone again for the comments, ;)

tru conch

Active Member
dad, nice pics. i tried to sign the guest book, but ran into an error message.
my yellow head sleeper gobie has a problem with dropping sand on one of my mushroom colonies. i guess its genetic for them to drop sand on corals/clams. hahahah
ps how is the water change debate going? that was too funny that one night (im your "son" that was debating water changes)hahaha. keep up the good work!


Active Member
Great tank, let us know when you get more pics. I might be within 100 miles of you, I'm in Norman. Like to see the Okies in here! :D


WOW..Very impressive...I also tried to sign your guest book, but couldnt...Error msg came up..
Your water looks pristine...
Great Job..
~Susie ;)