Pics of my tank!!!!!


Check them out. There is 3 pages. I know, I added too much too quick, but couldn't resist the deal. I've been checking levels everyday (except calcium, left the tester at the LFS and will get it today) and they are ok, except for a little bit of a raised level of ammonia.
<a href="" target="_blank"></A>


Thanks, I put LOTS AND LOTS of time into it. :D I just can't get enough.
<img src="graemlins//freak.gif" border="0" alt="[freak]" />


Originally posted by jeo:
<strong>wow, thats a great all around tank, nice job on the hood :cool: </strong><hr></blockquote>
Thanks Everyone

nm reef

Active Member
BammBamm74....I checked out your site and was very impressed. I've followed a few of your links and was glad to be able to see the results of your efforts. BUT......I hate to inform you that several of your corals just simply WILL NOT work in your system...specifically the bubble/torch/all those 'shrooms/and the green star must immediately package them up(very carefully) and send them (free of charge) to my home address(e-mail me for specifics)...thats the ONLY way to save those doomed corals....I'm serious......please save your corals......send 'em overnight express(you pay shipping) :D ;) :p
*sigh* guess you didn't fall for my plan huh!!!! Dang and I really wanted to add them to my reef!!!
Very nice system you got going there....continue the good work and keep us informed on your progress!! :cool:


Originally posted by joe's reefer:
<strong>what kind of clam is that.if u have aol/aim instant message me</strong><hr></blockquote>
Joe, That was a Maxima, but it's dead. :( I don't have your IM id though.
NMReef, want some Shrooms? Give me a month and I can frag some for you and send them to you!! Just pay shipping. Don't know if they'll make the frag/shipment though. :D