Pics of my whole tank (big files!)


Active Member
Originally Posted by reefkprZ
how did yuou post a picture that big? It wont let me post one over 500x500.
500x500 is the limit if you upload a pic. You can have larger sizes if your pic is hosted like on shutterfly or photobucket. both are free.


The tank is a 3 month old 55g. We used photobucket to post these pics. YES we have a problem with microbubbles. The seaclone 100 either doesn't skim or creates awful bubbles like you see in the pic but it's actually much worse in person. I saw the modification you can do to it but i don't have the tools, patience or time to do it. Any other suggestions? I am saving for a aqua-c remora. Thanks for the comments everyone! I recently had a sever nitrate problem which has been solved and a algae problem probably due to the nitrates. They are 5ppm now and cleaned the glass. I had a copepod outbreak during the nitrate explosion. Time for a mandarin!