pics of new lion


AWESOME!!! How big is it?? Mine is very small and right now his fins are alot bigger in proportion to its body. :D


Active Member
Very nice. Lions' stings aren't dangerous unless you are allergic. If you are allergic to bees/wasps/ants there is a good chance you could be allergic to a lion sting. Bo


I just got my tank do you think clown,huma,niger trigger and panda puffer,porky puffer and then 2 yellow tangs would get along ?


Active Member
No. Puffers and triggers often don't mix. Also, don't mix non aggressives (tangs) with aggressives. Puffers also don't often mix well with each other. Good choices for your tank would be groupers, eels, large wrasses/hogs, triggers, puffers, hamlets, lionfishes, and some other odds and ends. I think I read you have a 220, so do some reading, find some fish you like, and shoot them by us. Bo


Active Member
I've got one question... my LFS had 3 lions in the tank. They were trade ins from one of his better customers. He said 2 of them were volitans, and the one I got was a red lion (but not a volitan) and will only grow to about 10". This is a volitan, right? Is there such a thing as a red lion (not a red volitan)?
Originally posted by kinkfish
that is a nice fish have you ever been stung by one ? Is it serious if you do?

No, I have never been stung by one. But from what I've read... if you aren't alergic, then it just hurts... a little hot water on the sting and you'll be fine. If you are alergic, than it all depends on the severity of your reaction... like grouperhead said.


Active Member
The third lions is probably a Russels. They don't get quite as big as P. volitans, and are often labeled as 'red volitan' mistakenly. Bo


Active Member
All 4 pics are of the same fish. It could be a Russels huh? Can't say I've ever heard of that one. I'll have to see if I can find some info on them.


Active Member
I'm not talking about the pictures. You said
my LFS had 3 lions in the tank. They were trade ins from one of his better customers. He said 2 of them were volitans, and the one I got was a red lion (but not a volitan) and will only grow to about 10".
The third lion, is a Russels more likely than not. Bo


Active Member
OK... just trying to make sure I understand...
My LFS had 3 lions. According to the owner, 2 of them were volitans, and the other was a red lion. I bought the "red" lion. That is the fish pictured above. To me, my lion looks like a volitan. Would you agree?


Beautiful fish you have there!
I'm not sure if it's a volitan or not. The webbing on the pectoral fins is longer on your fish than on my fishes (a volitan) fins.
I'm sure Frank will be here soon to clear this up!:D


yup, its a purdy baby russells lion.
P Russelli, AKA the spot free or clear tailed lion. Same family as P.volitans, but stay smaller. about 12" max.
believe me once you know what a russell lion looks like you will never confuse it w/ a Volitans.


When I bought my lion, I offered to help the guy in the lfs to put it in the bag. Instead of the bag it landed on my hand and it stung my finger. It got swallen (only the finger). it felt like a bee sting, maybe a little more intense and lasting. I got really scared in the beginning. I heard stories that the can be lethal if they are big enough. The swell went away afetr an hour or so.