Pics of one year old these corals!!!


Hello guys, I don't post alot here, I just lurk and learn.
Anyway, I started a 10 gallon reef around May of last year, since then, I bought/traded stuff for a 29 gallon tank and custom built stand that was built and started around the 1st of January.
Here are some pictures. Keep in mind I just got the Pulsing Xenia and it isin't quite used to the tank just yet. It was in the tank for less than ten minutes.
Here is a little game....(i have absolutely no prizes....sorry) Name all of the corals you see. I tried to get the best shot I could, I think my cameras batteries were low or somthing.
I know I have two types of frogspawn, but I don't know what the maroon one is. There are alot of corals in here I do not know what to call them......this is one reason I am posting pictures.

Here ya go guys, what do you think????



Active Member
ist picture i see green star polyps, and yumas. second is kenya tree. third, toad stool leather, 4th monti plate??


Wow guys, keep the ideas comin'. I will do some research on the coral names mentioned here.
I will get better pix tomorrow. Come to find out my camera was in fact low on juice. Notice the very first pic was nice and colorfull?
I had to move my newly aquired Pulsing Xenia to a differnt/lower flow location so he would open up more. He is doing fine now.
Thanks guys, will post back tomorrow. Nity-nite!


Originally Posted by saltn00b
ouch is that a yellow yang in your 29g tank??? thats a big nono!
Well, I thought I'd get yelled at for the Tang. He is doing very well, no signs of stress, great color, he is non aggressive towards other fish, and has never been sick. He has been in the tank since August. I told myself if he has any signs of stress, he will go back to the LFS.
Sorry guys, I was busy all day and didn't pick up any batteries. I will do my best for tomorrow.
Originally Posted by kokamo
Well, I thought I'd get yelled at for the Tang. He is doing very well, no signs of stress, great color, he is non aggressive towards other fish, and has never been sick. He has been in the tank since August. I told myself if he has any signs of stress, he will go back to the LFS.
Sorry guys, I was busy all day and didn't pick up any batteries. I will do my best for tomorrow.
Ya i did the same thing with a yellow tang in my 30gal... I had him for like 6-7 months, looked good, ate like a pig, good color! Boom out of no where was dead the next morning!!! Had NO signs at all, just all of a sudden dead! So ya good luck!!


Hey guys/gals.... thanks for the comments! I try hard. I have a few more pix for you. I took these with fresh batteries and the seem to be somewhat better quality with a little more color than the ones above.
I have one question about one of these pictures. There are some red colored long tube type mushrooms of some sort....what are they? And are they any sort of special shroom that dosent get seen very often because I have never seen any of these in any reeftank pix here on SWF.
Here ya go.......



Active Member
Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing. You should contribute your knowledge in the threads.
Except for the tang, I love what I see. Please get the tang out.


Hot, yes, I know, he is doing fine. The more I think about it, the more I want to take him out. Like I said before, he is doing absolutly amazing. I will prolly trade him out for somthing different soon.
Costa, I use the PVC pipe utilizes two, it's the return from the sump and I use that return as my powerhead to make flow for the tank, It kinda looks gotty, but it serves it's purpouse and works good. I would figure that it will be growing coraline soon enough and it won't be so distracting.


Active Member
that is insane... tank is amazing... how does everything look so good and you dont know what they are??? i did a lot of research at the beginning before i bought anything and they still died... lol... nice job...