Pics of one year old these corals!!!


Originally Posted by larryndana
how long has it been since the tank cycled?
Ummmmm.....dunno, prolly last week sometime. :hilarious
Originally Posted by ROYAL GANG
what are these? there really pretty
Royal, I wish I knew, seems no one knows what they are. May need to start another thread just to find out.
Originally Posted by taznut

that is insane... tank is amazing... how does everything look so good and you dont know what they are??? i did a lot of research at the beginning before i bought anything and they still died... lol... nice job...
Lol, thanks! Well, MOST of the corals here are doing well. The large Kenya Tree (on right) isin't doing so great. It closes up for a couple of days and then opens up like never before, then the next day it's all closed back up again for the next day. Dunno what it's doing. I have a small frag of it on another rock and it's doing great. I think it may be the position of it??? possibly flow problem???
Why don't I know what they are? Well, alot of the corals I have were involved in a trade. I had a 75 gallon I traded for the setup I have now......follow THIS THREAD.
Originally Posted by craig7220

Nice looking reef... Good job....
Hey thanks Craig. Mucho appreciated. I wish I could do more coral, but I think I'm getting pretty loaded up now. This tank sucks up calcium like no tomorrow. I think I'll be trading in the future rather than adding. Altho I think I can add a few more on the right side of the tank. :thinking:
Ok guys, check this out. I stumbled on a video I made a while back in late August of last year. Check out the video and do a comparison of what has really grown since then. (about 5 months) I find this kinda cool. Some of the corals aren't there anymore and some new ones. Just have to look and see. :joy:
***VIDEO*** Make sure you use full screen, it's kinda fuzzy in some spots.
Later guys,


Originally Posted by hot883
Very nice pics. Thanks for sharing. You should contribute your knowledge in the threads.
Except for the tang, I love what I see. Please get the tang out.

Just curious... Is the tank too small for the tang, or are Yellow's too aggressive to be with the other fish in the tank? Not trying to hijack the thread



Extreme......I think the problem is that the tank is too small. From what I understand, Yellow tangs have a need for roaming, if not, they tend to get clostrophobic and that turns into stress which eventually kills them. Don't think they would have problems with other fish. (except another just like it)


Originally Posted by TriGa22
Nice tank. What lights ya got on that suker.
Triga, sorry I did not see your question. The lights are one "Sunburst" Metal bulb with 12 thousand Kelvins and 175 Watts. I also have one 65 Watt Actinic light on top of that. I do have some cheesy lunar lights as well.