Pics of Reef Tanks


Active Member
Hey Steve, nice to see over here on this board. I have been checking out your tank ever since you posted it on --....what can I say, very very nice. You should post some pics of the garage area, now that is really something as well!
Here's a pic of my 29 gallon



nm reef

Active Member
hey NM reef what kind of filter do you have?
In answer I run about a 70 gal refugium(low flow & gravity returned to display)...29 gal sump with euroreef cs6-2 skimmer and mag12 return...100+ lbs of lr and DSB in display & refugium. is great to see you in our neck of the woods...I've been an admirer of your system for a while now. Very nice...:cool:
Welcome to our humble lil forum and I hope you drop in now and then....;)