The lights are way beyond my expectations. They are great and I'll never use anything else. I did design the canopy a little short, 8", but with one fan blowling in on one side and one blowing out on the other I have no problems, yet. They are standard pfo (clone) ballasts. It is in the basement so that helps too, I'm sure. The setup is just modified berlin. 90 gal. 20 gal sump. nautilus skimmer. and about 140# lr. The rock is a wide variety. Tonga, fiji, marshall, and base. I've had the tank about 7 years. It was a softy and lps reef, then fowlr and now it has been sps for about 9 months. Thanks everyone. I've spent a lot of time and $$$ and it is finally at a place where I can just watch it grow!!!!!