Pics of the 125!!


Active Member
Just thought I would share some pics of my slowly growing 125gal. My camera SUCKS so bare with me.



Active Member
pretty damn good pictures for a crappy camera. nice looking tank. it seems you have a particular fondness for brains. everything looks nice
Ps send me some of those orange zoos........


Active Member
The first group or second group? The first group second pic is my favia brain. The second group second pic is my green star polips.

30-xtra high

Active Member
the second picture. it's the one with the cinamon's head in it, it's green with pink circles. a favia brain?, how much lighting duz it need?


Active Member
Thanks!! I call the favia my christmas favia, b/c the green with red colors. Heres a full tank shot, not that clear though.



Active Member
-Naso tang
-Pacific Blue tang
-lawnmower blenny
-Mandarin Dragonet
-2 Ocellaris Clowns
-5 green Chromis
-cleaner shrimp
-sandsifting starfish
-several scarlet hermits
-Several emerald crabs
-tons of snails
Corals, to many to list. But are manly lps, with a couple solfties.


Active Member
He came with the tank when I bought it. I bought the tank about 2 months ago. I'm not sure how long the people I got the tank from had him.