pics of the new hippo and 1 of the sailfin


here are a few pics the sailfin is out more but is hard to get a good pic of lol. fish where added Sunday night all is good thus far first fish in the tank. Let me know what you think



Active Member
aw wwww they are so cute.btw very nice LR greta coraline growth .no worries once those fish get adjusted to the new home that greenery will soon dissapeer


I have had my hippo for 2 weeks now and unless he is eating he likes to hide alot. My sailfin is 10x more outgoing. Keep an eye on your tang for ick. Mine is showing signs of it. I must have stressed him out but my lfs guy said hippos get it real easy when put thru the stress of transporting them.


Thanks for comment guys and pointers. I have taken every precation as far as ich goes I so hope I do not have to deal with it. I bought an 18 w uv for the 175 and am feeding emerald entries and julian sprungs dried seawed which the both love. she also just comes out to eat and will wonder out now and again. I also made sure she was eating at the LFS. Hope this all works keep your fingers crossed.


Active Member
sounds great congrads .I have yet to find a fish that stubs emerald entrese.even my lions will gulp a cube once in a while.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Harndog
Thanks for comment guys and pointers. I have taken every precation as far as ich goes I so hope I do not have to deal with it. I bought an 18 w uv for the 175 and am feeding emerald entries and julian sprungs dried seawed which the both love. she also just comes out to eat and will wonder out now and again. I also made sure she was eating at the LFS. Hope this all works keep your fingers crossed.
I would suggest adding some garlic soaked food in the diet and also food soaked in Zoe or Selcon. Unfortunately, UV;s will do little to combat/prevent ich. Make sure you have plenty water movement and maintain a good maintenance schedule. Keep your water parameters within acceptable limits. I assume you already have a good protien skimmer. All of this will help in preventing disease outbreak and do far more in keeping the fish healthy then a UV.
You can save some money by purchasing Nori from the grocery store. it is basically the same as the dried seaweed sheets you are using but it is cheaper.
The best precaution regarding ich is to QT the animals before placing in the display.
Watch you Blue Hippo closely as they are among the first to show signs of Ich if it is present in the system.
Many believe tangs are easily stressed which is why you hear some refer to them as ich magnets. Actually, my opinion is that it is theri smoth-like velvet-like "skin texture" which allows the parasite to easily attach to the host.
Nice looking of luck


I forgot to mention I have soaked every cube in Garlic extreme and have been feeding then twice a day the cubes and some flake I have for the 3rd feeding. So the uv is worthless you say? What the heck are they good for then? I do have a susper skimmer that is working well. Also have carbon runnning. I think you may be onto something with the tangs skin. Also I think maybe the main reason the hippo is the most likley to get it could be the fact that they remian in one little hiddy hole until they get use to things. This seems like it would make it a lot easier for the parasite to get onto the fish. Thanks again for the help. To me this FOWLR is more worrisome than my reef lol. I will look for Nori at the supermarket after I get off work tonight