pics of undulated trigger, eel



Sweet fish. What size tank is this? Any aggression yet from the trigger? I know that Undy's can get pretty nasty.


hes in a 55 for now im going to put him in a bigger tank soon. he is not that aggresive now but i know he will start kill. but maybe not because i have heard people keeping undys in a tank with other fish.


They are very cool looking but from what I have seen they are pretty shy and stay out of sight. What's you experience been like with yours?


mine was really shy at the beggining. but after like 4-5 months he started to reconize me so he comes out alot more. he also lets me hand feed him.


Undulateds get very very very aggressive as they mature. Very good looking fish though, them along with Bluelines, probably two of my favorite triggers.


I used to have a undy trigger for about 3 years, It was more a scaredy cat then the over grown damsil i had in the tank with it little loan the koran angel. He would mostly hide in the rock and only comeout if it was feeding time or someone was trying to get in his hole in the rocks. Awesome fish, but i had to let him go due to a marriage seperation. He was turning colors as well from the normal yellow/greenish to a pink and purpleish color. First i have ever seen of this. I think how mean they get is more based on how meny fellow fish are with them and size of tank. GOod luck though and i hope you get to see it change like mine


Originally Posted by clowntang
I used to have a undy trigger for about 3 years, It was more a scaredy cat then the over grown damsil i had in the tank with it little loan the koran angel. He would mostly hide in the rock and only comeout if it was feeding time or someone was trying to get in his hole in the rocks. Awesome fish, but i had to let him go due to a marriage seperation. He was turning colors as well from the normal yellow/greenish to a pink and purpleish color. First i have ever seen of this. I think how mean they get is more based on how meny fellow fish are with them and size of tank. GOod luck though and i hope you get to see it change like mine

Anyone out there seen the purple/pink color variation? Any pics?