Pics of Water Test, Is it safe for Green Wolf Eel, and Lion?


What do you all think? Those were taken last night. Is it safe to put in a green wolf eel and a lion fish today?


when was the last water change if it was like a week ago why not do one then everything will be good and add them to your tank and not worry about nitrates whichfrom them twowill be probably higher then normal with all there waste they will create


You're missing one. Should be Nitrite, rate, Ammonia, PH..Your Nitrite is good, but it should be baby blue, the top one. The Ammonia is cool. The PH should be 8.2(not shown). Nitrates are hard to get where they need to be. Not sure of the ppm, but is should be a yellowish color. Although, mine gets orange. Sometimes really orange. Yours look fine though. Get some SuperBuffer and add to your tank.
Also, an eel can live in almost anything. I've never known one to die, unless it got out.


If you have too add something add some damsils fish then when you add you lion and eel they might get eaten which would be cool to watch


Active Member
Nitrates will not be an issue if you introduce the fish right. Through proper acclimation, a fish can take high nitrates.
My 40g non-aggressive tank has an engineer goby (10" long) that constantly screws up the denitrification process of the LS. This tank used to have no skimmer, no wet-dry, ran off a few Millenium 3000s. The tank would have nitrates off the chart
, that's right, higher than 160ppm, and I never lost a new fish when acclimating. Earliest fish death happened after seven months, due to jumping out of the tank. Some fish are more sensitive to nitrates than others, but acclimating them slowly should allow you to introduce a new fish to that system. My moray eel loves living in his own filth, he actually seems to freak out when I clean the system too much.:yes:


UPDATE!!!!! Well I put a green wolf eel in a few hours ago. He seems to be doing great. I was going to buy the Lion, but I was told that the Lion isn't as harty as the Eel. And I was told that the green wolf eel was damn near impossible to kill. So we'll see what happens. Hopefully my tank will be perfect by Sat so I can get the Lion!u


sounds good eels are bad ass can't go wrong with one thats what i started off with and didn't know anything about saltwater and he is still kicking today


got a sfe and feed him shrimp from the grocery store they are bigger then krill and he loves them goes nuts he was about 5in and as thin as a pencil when i got him he is about 6in now and as fat as a magic marker now the shrimp he eats are about as thick as my pinky finger and the size of one joint on it so they are pretty fat for him to eat but he does it. kind of funny to watch


What kinda Eel do you have Moto? And do you just go to the deli and get like the shrimp cocktail? And then do you just freeze the rest of it? And if that's what you feed, and how you do it, how often, and how many do you feed him?


got a snow flake eel and yes i just go to the sea food department and they have prepacked shrimp i then freeze the rest and grab what i need every few days he will usually swim around the tank when i come in then i know he is hungary and i feed him 2-3 shrimps if he is full he won't accept any more usually every 2-3 days though he gets feed